Hi Everyone,<div><br></div><div>New member, so nice to 'meet' you all! </div><div><br></div><div>I'm experimenting with FreeSwitch to see how it could replace Asterisk in a mass dialler system that I run in Europe, and I have been playing with the AVMD module. It seems to work perfectly, and does detect voicemail very well. What I am trying to do through is have the dialler generate calls and run as much as possible through FreeSwitch's core, rather than external scripts (I'm using PHP for most of my external functionality as thats what I use to write the agent interfaces too). So I generate individual calls and launch them in FreeSwitch, and it then does most of the call logic from XML dialplan commands, jumping to PHP shell scripts for quick MySQL functions. </div>
<div><br></div><div>I'd like very much to be able to run AVMD from the second the call is answered, which is simple enough, but at the same time have my outgoing message playing. So we are assuming the call is a human, but if during the OGM playout AVMD hears a beep, it just terminates the call. Can anyone tell me if this is possible please, either using XML dialplan (I'm guessing not as the XML is sequential), or using a programming script like LUA.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Many thanks for any advise anyone can offer,</div><div><br></div><div>Ian</div><div><br></div>