Hello Community!<br><br>Just a friendly reminder: our conference call is scheduled for 1PM Eastern/10AM Pacific time tomorrow. The agenda is here:<br><br><a href="http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FS_weekly_2012_07_11">http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FS_weekly_2012_07_11</a><br>
<br>Dave Kompel (drk__) will be discussing Windows firewall security. Rumor has it that he's got an interesting example of how to do server push notification for those of you who want to see an example of how to do server updates to a browser.<br>
<br>On the ClueCon front we just wanted to remind those of you who will be in Chicago for ClueCon that Anthony will be enjoying birthday number 40-something, so plan accordingly. :)<br><br>Thanks!<br>-MC<br>