Hi all,<br><br>I searched for FreeSwitch call capacity, but most of the results wasn't new. So, I wanna ask if anybody has either tested FreeSwitch's performance recently, or got a dramatic result in real environment?<br>
<br>I tested call quality on this machine:<br><br>Virtual FreeSwitch server<br>OS: CentOS release 6.2 - x86_64<br>CPU: 8 processor - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5670 @ 2.93GHz<br>Memory: 8 G<br><br>After receiving incoming calls, FreeSwitch routed them to another sip server, without transcoding. The other server transmitted calls by playing an audio file. Meanwhile, I called an extension in FreeSwitch to test the call quality.<br>
<br>The result was like this:<br><br>1000 Concurrent calls<br>Call duration: 160s<br>Call rate: 6 cps (just creating channels)<br>Max used Memory: 1416M<br>Max CPU load: 0.24<br>Max Network throughput (recv/send): 6711k/80k<br>
Quality: Good<br><br>This test was taken before tearing down the channels.<br><br>Then, I took another test to estimate calls per second, and it wasn't what I was expected!<br><br><br>150 Concurrent calls<br>Call duration: 4s<br>
Call rate: 30 cps (creating and tearing down)<br>Max used Memory: 1293M<br>Max CPU load: 4.50<br>Max Network throughput (recv/send): 828k/60k<br>Quality: Average<br><br>And when I increase call rate to 50 cps:<br><br>1000 Concurrent calls<br>
Call duration: 4s<br>Call rate: 50 cps (creating and tearing down)<br>Max used Memory: 1730M<br>Max CPU load: <b>29.9</b><br>Max Network throughput (recv/send): 1367k/202k<br>Quality: Bad<br><br>Why call per second is such a big problem? Did anyone get a better result on this?<br>