I've been running FreeSwitch on a Dockstar for about 2 years now, and, yes, it is rock solid running on this tiny device. At one point, I noticed that it had been running un-interrupted for nearly 6 months. I use it with several voip service providers, and Google Voice integration works perfectly.<div>
<br></div><div>However, this is just my home PBX, with a max of 4 concurrent calls. I haven't done any scalability testing.</div><div><br></div><div>Also, there are some things that don't work well:</div><div><br>
</div><div>a) When I try to use FLITE (the text-to-speech module) on the dockstar or a pogoplug, the CPU usage shoots up to 100%, resulting audio is choppy, and any ongoing calls also get choppy. I haven't taken a close look at the source code, but I suspect FLITE is using floating-point math. The poor little dockstars and pogoplugs don't have floating-point processors, so any floating-point math eats up a whole lot of CPU time. (I just glanced at the source, and I see they define M_PI = 3.14159. So, yes, floating point math.)</div>
<div><br></div><div>c) Music-on-hold works fine. But streaming audio files using Session.streamFile() or Session.say() will sometimes have very choppy audio (but without the extreme CPU usage that FLITE causes). I'm trying to figure out this problem as we speak.....</div>
<div><br></div><div>So, basically, if you're using FreeSwitch as a simple home PBX, the dockstar and pogoplug are wonderful devices to use. But if you're going to make use of the more interesting features of FreeSwitch, you will definitely want to invest in an x86 or similar platform.</div>