Hi<br><br>I am using mod_lua to do the bridge but MOH is not working. I have tried both hold_music and temp_hold_music. <br><br>Dialplan is<br><br><action application="set" data="hold_music=danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav" /><br>
<action application="set" data="temp_hold_music=danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav" /><br><action application="lua" data="bridge.lua 1 8860133622 | 9711450555"/><br>
<br>When I do the bridge inside the lua script, there is no MOH being played. <br><br>Some thing else is needed to play MOH ?<br><br clear="all">regards,<br>Anita<br><br>