Hi Maestros,<br><br>i'm using mod_callcenter to realize a simple senario, pstn user call to media gw, then go to queue number 7000 of fs, then fs hunt a idel agents(registered users) to accpet the call. it works fine. <br>
<br>however, i would like to make the media bypass the fs after the agent answer the call, i.e. media-gw<->agent, however, from the trace,the media still go via fs. from the trace, i saw when fs make the call to agent, the fs initiate a
new "INVITE" with itself IP address as the connect ip address in SDP,
which caused the bypass failed. (in the attahed trace, .159 is the fs, .50 and .117 are two registered users).<br><br>i have configure below, and if two agent call for each other directly, the media did bypass fs.<br><br>
internal.xml<br> <param name="inbound-bypass-media" value="true"/><br> <param name="inbound-proxy-media" value="false"/><br><br>othe configuraton as following,<br>
<br>dial plan:<br> <br> <extension name="7000_Queue" ><br> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^7000$"><br> <action application="answer"/><br>
<action application="playback" data="/usr/local/freeswitch/sounds/custom/8000/transfer_to_agent.wav"/><br> <action application="callcenter" data="7000_Queue@localhost"/><br>
<action application="system" data="mkdir -p $${base_dir}/recordings/archive/${strftime(%Y)}/${strftime(%b)}/${strftime(%d)}/"/><br> </condition><br></extension><br><br>callcenter.conf.xml:<br>
<br><configuration name="callcenter.conf" description="CallCenter"><br> <settings><br> <!--<param name="odbc-dsn" value="dsn:user:pass"/>--><br> </settings><br>
<br> <queues><br> <queue name="7000_Queue@localhost"><br> <param name="strategy" value="round-robin"/><br> <param name="moh-sound" value="$${hold_music}"/><br>
<param name="time-base-score" value="queue"/><br> <param name="max-wait-time" value="0"/><br> <param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent" value="0"/><br>
<param name="tier-rules-apply" value="false"/><br> <param name="tier-rule-wait-second" value="300"/><br> <param name="tier-rule-wait-multiply-level" value="true"/><br>
<param name="tier-rule-no-agent-no-wait" value="false"/><br> <param name="discard-abandoned-after" value="60"/><br> <param name="abandoned-resume-allowed" value="false"/><br>
</queue><br> </queues><br><br><!-- WARNING: Configuration of XML Agents will be updated into the DB upon restart. --><br><!-- WARNING: Configuration of XML Tiers will reset the level and position if those were supplied. --><br>
<!-- WARNING: Agents and Tiers XML config shouldn't be used in a multi FS shared DB setup (Not currently supported anyway) --><br> <agents><br> <agent name="agent1001@localhost" type="callback" contact="[call_timeout=10]user/1001@$${domain_name}" status="Available" /><br>
<agent name="agent1002@localhost" type="callback" contact="[call_timeout=10]user/1002@$${domain_name}" status="Available" /><br> <agent name="agent1003@localhost" type="callback" contact="[call_timeout=10]user/1003@$${domain_name}" status="Available" /><br>
<br> </agents><br><br><!-- If no level or position is provided, they will default to 1. You should do this to keep db value on restart. --><br> <tiers><br> <tier agent="agent1001@localhost" queue="7000_Queue@localhost" level="1" position="1"/><br>
<tier agent="agent1002@localhost" queue="7000_Queue@localhost" level="1" position="1"/><br> <tier agent="agent1003@localhost" queue="7000_Queue@localhost" level="1" position="1"/><br>
<br> </tiers><br><br></configuration><br><br><br><br>Could you please any one help, thanks a lot!<br><br>BR,<br>Charles<br><br>