Hey folks,<br><br>Today on the conference call we had a brief but passionate discussion about terminal emulators. I'm finding that more and more I'm using all of the "big 3" operating systems and that they each have their own quirks and peculiarities. I decided to start a wiki page on the topic:<br>
<br><a href="http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Terminal_emulators">http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Terminal_emulators</a><br><br>I have been spending more time than I really want to on a Windows laptop so I have been getting familiar with putty. I added some putty info to the wiki plus a few other tidbits. I would like to invite everyone to hop on and add whatever knowledge or tips & tricks that they've learned over the years. If you know of a good terminal program that you use then feel free to add it to the list.<br>