Hi All<div><br></div><div><div><div><action application="set" data="intercept_unanswered_only=true"/></div><div><action application="intercept" data="${hash(select/domain-last_dial_ext/${pbx_subscriber_customer_id}-${pbx_subscriber_callgroup})}"/></div>
</div><div><action application="sleep" data="2000"/></div><div><br></div><div>Uuid of inbound call is placed into hash.</div><div><br></div><div>After intercept app run, there is some periodical beeps in interceptor's phone, and intercepted channel is muted after a period of half-second and then disconnected by gateway after RTP timeout. If I place interceptor's phone on hold, intercepted channel hears MOH from FS, but no sound.</div>
<div><br></div><div>If I hangup interceptor's device right after intercept , call returns to interceptor's device, and when I take it I can speak to intercepted channel.</div><div>What am I doing wrong? </div><div>
<br></div>-- <br>Best regards,<br><br>Dmitry Sytchev,<br>IT Engineer<br>