hello, <br><br>im wondering how much performance do we loose when using ESL instead of running it via dialplan?<br><br><br>without ESL with a fine tuned FS and a short dialplan ( answer, playback like 20 seconds file, hangup ) im able to service 75 CPS. On the same FS, when i use ESL to answer the call, playback the same file and hangup, im not able to run more than 2 CPS... this is a huge impact and i really can't believe it.<br>
<br>I'm using event-socket outbound e.g.:<br><br><action application="socket" data="<a href="" target="_blank"></a> async full"/><br><br>my extension looks like:<br>
<br><extension name="ESL_C"><br>
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(6666)$"><br> <action application="socket" data="<a href="" target="_blank"></a> async full"/><br>
<action application="sleep" data="1000"/><br> <action application="hangup"/><br> </condition><br></extension><br><br><br>im using testserver from lib/esl/ and i just removed the conference command and added the playback one.... also i moved the esl_debug lvl to 0<br>
<br><br>anyhow, FS cannot run more than 2 CPS compared to 75 CPS when the playback is done from the dialplan.<br><br><br>Please, can someone give me a clue on what is going on? <br>Maybe im doing something wrong?<br>how to get maximum FS performance using ESL ?<br>