Dear All,<br><br>This problem is very hard to reproduce and i really don't know when it would happen, i don't have sip log or other traces but only the CDR file and its looks like this:<br><br><br><caller_id_name>TELESAT TRAJKOVIĆ<br>
<ani>+3xxxxxxx</ani> ? MILE</caller_id_name><br> <aniii></aniii><br><br>and sometimes <br><br><oritinate_early_media> is writted <originate_uarly_media> (insead of early its "uarly")<br>
<br>i noted down this issue on: FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.head (git-1d3417a 2011-06-07 17-35-49 -0400)<br><br>Thanks.<br>