Hello<br><br>I'm using ESL to Fork a call inside another , this is the commom example of User (A) pressing 1 and calling another party (B).<br><br>I'm forking the call by opening an inbound socket and issuing the command<br>
<br>api('originate',"{step=1,origination_caller_id_number=XXXX,fail_on_single_reject=true,ignore_early_media=true,originate_timeout=90,parked_call_uuid=%s}sofia/external/%s@2XXXXXXX &socket(<a href=""></a> sync full)<br>
<br><br>All works great ( i get the call) and as you can see the call to B is redirected to the IVR Server<br><br>The problem is if i do on the channel B ( By esl)<br>uuid_getvar step XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<br><br>I get <br>
Event-Name: SOCKET_DATA<br>Content-Type: command/reply<br>Reply-Text: -ERR%20command%20not%20found<br><br>Has anyone faced this ??<br>BTW using the python ESL:<br><br>Best Regards<br>Antonio Teixeira<br><br>