How do we know if i am using the latest Git version (nightly builids)? How to know if i am really using 1.0.7 or 1.0.6 oldest?<br><br>So far tried as ><br><br>git pull && make current ><br>make current (showed some error) ><br>
make clean modwipe (completed successfully) ><br>./configure && make & make install ><br>/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch ><br>> preesed F12 shows: > FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.head (git-828960a 2010-09-25 12-51-42 -0500)<br>
<br>Let me know plz, is this the 1.0.7 ?<br><br><br>