Unless I'm complicating things, it seems like a drop to write outbound event sockets apps versus writing embedded language apps. However, I'm interested in writing event sockets apps because I can see an advantage in being able to load balance the app by running you app behind a load balancer. One simple thing that I am trying to accomplish is collecting digits and doing something useful with string of digits that have been collected.<br>
<br>My first attempt at this is to use the play_and_get_digits dptool, but I don't now how to pull data from stored variable so that I can use in the script. I slightly modified the freeswitch.git/libs/esl/perl/<a href="http://server2.pl">server2.pl</a> script by adding this line:<br>
<br>$con->execute('play_and_get_digits', '2 5 3 7000 # ${base_dir}/sounds/en/us/callie/conference/8000/conf-pin.wav /invalid.wav foobar \d+' );<br><br>The next thing that I'd like to do is grab the value in foobar is use it in the perl logic. <br>
<br>Can someone lead me to the next step?<br>Does anyone with experience with event socket apps and embedded language apps have some useful information about their preferred path?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Herman <br>