Hi all,<br><br>here is my dialplan<br> <context name="default"><br> <extension name="outbound_soc"><br> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^.*$"><br>
<action application="log" data="ERR ${domain_name}"/><br> <action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/><br>
<action application="set" data="bypass_media=false"/><br> <action application="ring_ready"/><br> <action application="set" data="ignore_early_media=true"/><br>
<action application="set" data="exec_after_bridge_app=park"/><br> <action application="export" data="RECORD_STEREO=true"/><br>
<action application="bridge" data="user/1000"/><br> </condition><br> </extension><br> </context><br>
<br>I made a call from 9952248266 to 39114601. As expected it called to the 1000 extension and I answered the call. I was using twinkle as a softphone.<br>Now from twinkle I initiated "Transfer". I've given "9976975781" as a number and I choose "Blind Transfer".<br>
But the call didn't get proceeded.<br><br>Here is the log with sofia trace enabled.<br><a href="http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/15189">http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/15189</a><br><br>Once REFER is received by freeswitch, It replied with "Accept" for that refer, but after that the call was not proceeding!!<br>