Is there any way to run a dialplan tool from the event socket?<br><br>I have a dialplan that uses a dtmf to set up and perform an attended transfer, like so:<br><action application="bind_meta_app" data="8 a s execute_extension::TransferCall XML transfer_call"/><br>
<br>But I can't see any way to run the same thing from the event socket. I thought doing an "api uuid_transfer" might do it, but that hangs up one of the legs (no good for attended transfer.)<br><br>api uuid_transfer Uuid -bleg TransferCall XML transfer_call<br>
<br>As far as I can see, the closest thing is "sendmsg execute", but it looks like you have to park a call/channel first to use that, so I'm not sure that that is much use for attended transfer either.<br><br>
Or should I be lame and do "api uuid_send_dtmf" to send * 8.<br><br clear="all">Cheers,<br>Fraser<br><br><br>