Good Afternoon.<br><br>I'm leaving Asterisk ( yayyyyyyyyyyyyy) and was curious in trying out the Call Center feature, uuid-standby , now i created a dialplan and I'm able to connect a caller to an agent.<br>Now by my assumption as soon as the caller disconnects the agent should be trow back ( transfer) into the loop (4099 ext.) but instead i get an hangup and the sip client terminates the call.<br>
<br>Any ideas ?<br><br>Sample Dialplan<br><br><pre><extension><br> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(4099)$"><br> <action application="set" data="res=${callcenter_config(agent set uuid ${caller_id_number}@${domain_name} '${uuid}')}" /><br>
<action application="set" data="res=${callcenter_config(agent set type ${caller_id_number}@${domain_name} 'uuid-standby')}" /><br> <action application="set" data="res=${callcenter_config(agent set status ${caller_id_number}@${domain_name} 'Available (On Demand)')}" /><br>
<action application="set" data="res=${callcenter_config(agent set state ${caller_id_number}@${domain_name} 'Waiting')}" /><br> <action application="set" data="cc_warning_tone=tone_stream://%(200,0,500,600,700)"/><br>
<action application="answer" /><br> <action application="playback" data="$${hold_music}"/><br> <action application="transfer" data="4099"/> <!-- Remove this if you just want to get a single call --><br>
</condition><br></extension><br></pre><br>Thanks For Your Time<br>António Teixeira<br><br>