<div>Hi there,</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I am trying to use menu-exec-api for the first time. But I am getting the error:</div>
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<div>[WARNING] switch_ivr_menu.c:718 Invalid Action [menu-exec-api]</div>
<div>[ERR] switch_ivr_menu.c:865 Unable to build xml menu</div>
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<div>If I check the code I don't see a menu-exec-api action:</div>
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<div> static struct iam_s {<br> const char *name;<br> switch_ivr_action_t action;<br>} iam[] = {<br> {<br> "menu-exit", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_DIE}, {<br> "menu-sub", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_EXECMENU}, {<br> "menu-exec-app", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_EXECAPP}, {<br>
"menu-play-sound", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_PLAYSOUND}, {<br> "menu-back", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_BACK}, {<br> "menu-top", SWITCH_IVR_ACTION_TOMAIN}, {<br> NULL, 0}<br>};</div>
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<div>I am on GIT HEAD from Saturday.</div>
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<div>I am really confused. What am I missing? Can someone confirm that menu-exec-api is still valid?</div>
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