<div>Hi all,</div>
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<div>Is is possible to define a default action in an IVR menu? i.e. an action that is taken when the user does NOT press any key.</div>
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<div>For example:</div>
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<div><menu name="ppn_ivr_VoiceMail_Play"<br> greet-long="phrase:PlayVM"<br> timeout="3000"<br> inter-digit-timeout="3000"<br> timeout="3000"<br> max-failures="0"<br>
max-timeouts="1"<br> digit-len="1"> <br> <br> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="4" param="managed PPNSystem.Telephony.ChangeStatusVoicemailHandler 4"/><br>
<entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="7" param="managed PPNSystem.Telephony.ChangeStatusVoicemailHandler 7"/><br> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="8" param="managed PPNSystem.Telephony.ChangeStatusVoicemailHandler 8"/><br>
<entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="5" param="managed PPNSystem.Telephony.ReturnCallVoicemailHandler 5"/><br> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="" param="managed PPNSystem.Telephony.PlayVoicemailHandler"/><br>
<br> </menu></div>
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<div>In the above I would like the last action to kick in if the user does not press any keys after 3 secs.</div>
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<div>Any help appreciated!</div>
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