for CentOS 5.4 In wiki page is mentioned "yum install kernel-devel". After that install, the main problem was CentOS itself, my kernel version remain OLD and kernel-devel version is became NEW. So either way i needed to apply "yum update" And then rebooted, then the "segmentation fault" is gone, the rest is fine. <br>
<br>But i still have last issue that is SOUND will never work, What is that mean, mod_skypopen will not work for SOUND, that is the reason of using this then!!!!?<br><br>2010-09-19 15:03:43.201763 [ERR] skypopen_protocol.c:233 rev git2svn-syncpoint-master-203-g3eb35a5[(nil)|37 ][ERRORA 233 ][interface2][-1, 0, 0] Skype got ERROR: |||ERROR 589 ALTER CALL: unable to alter input/output|||<br>