Hi, guys.<br><br>Sorry for posting suppose such a frequently asked
question, but anyway it's still problem for me to handle Freeswitch on 3
different subnetworks. In fact i was able to run, but with one
discfuntion - on one of the instances there was no sound in one
direction. I know you say this problem is related to NAT and so on, but
let me ask anyway. It should mentioned that first i was run Asterisk and
it was fine with that setup.<br>
Another important thing is Freeswitch runs under guest OS Debian/Lenny
in OpenVZ environment (kernel 2.6.18 with ovz patch)<br>Network:<br>venet0:0
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br>venet0:1
public_ip + default route here<br>
eth2: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
+ route <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
via (complete interface derived to guest OS, nothing to
deal with HN)<br><br>My peers is <br> (asterisk runs here, under my administration)<br>
(gsm gateway, under my administration)<br>x.x.x.x (remote peer under my
administration)<br> (voip providers proxy, no
authentication here, not under my administration)<br>
<br>I successfully installed profiles belong to first 3 ones and
everything was ok. I substituted external-sip external-rtp and others
with my public ip. The internal ones - with my internal.<br>The problem
was with the last one. I have tried to force Freeswitch run on that one
but have no luck. Finally i copied profile "internal.xml" to
"internal-2.xml" (actually i tried the same with external.xml) in
"sip_profiles" dir and change it to parse files from
"sip_profiles/internal-2" dir.<br>
I have no idea is this right way, but anyway it works and Freeswitch
start to listen on I also used inbound-acl and proxy-acl
to handle with no authorization. Freeswitch was able to handle incoming
calls on and even it was sound in both directions. But if
you try to add a dialplan which will use as an outbound
proxy you will see that call is handled correctly but no voice there.<br>
I examined outgoing packets send by my phone to Freeswitch and from
Freeswitch to and found no rtp was transmitted over eth2
(from freeswitch to proxy) only from my phone to freeswitch. There is no
FW on guest OS, i tried to stop in on HN but nothing changed. Packets
come to venet0 ok, but then for some reasons are not transmitted to
eth2. I'm sure that is something with nat-acl as far as 172.16/16 is
also private space addresses, but i'm not sure.<br>
<br>Please, help me with that and if you know the right way to handle
such 3 subnets config correctly, tell me.<br>Freeswitch was build from
the git. <br>Corresponding conf from Asterisk, works<br><br>[]<br>type=friend<br>
freeswitch (no audio during outgoing calls)<br><a href="http://www.privatepaste.com/bebc7e8988" target="_blank">http://www.privatepaste.com/bebc7e8988</a>
and <a href="http://www.privatepaste.com/4df33fc7a5" target="_blank">http://www.privatepaste.com/4df33fc7a5</a>
sip_profiles/internal-2/int.<div id=":17q" class="ii gt">xml</div>