Dear List,<br><br>I am new to voip and to freeswitch and I am trying to
learn how to setup a wholesale scenario using FreeSwitch. I have very
little experience in running wholesale voip business on
voipswitch.<br><br>I know all or most of the answers to my questions are
already either in wiki or in list archive, and I am really sorry to
email the list asking for help but with the little knowledge I have its
way over my head and I failed to compile the information in right way to
achieve any result, please forgive me if these questions bother any of
you at all.<br>
<br>Here is what I wish to achieve with FreeSwitch:<br><br>1) Setup
username/password less accounts for customers with IP authentication.
One customer can have multiple IPs. Customer can send traffic using SIP
or H323 protocol. A prefix will be assigned to customer for sending
traffic. Eg. 1234 + Country code + Area code + Number.<br>
2) Customer can be post paid or per paid, so need to disable
customer's ability to call when assigned credit limit is reached.<br>3)
Setup providers (Gateways) which do not provide username/password for
authentication and do not require FreeSwitch to register with them,
FreeSwitch IP will be allowed to send traffic directly with a 3-4 digit
prefix. Provider can be on H323 or SIP either and can have multiple IPs
(1 primary and other for fail-over)<br clear="all">
4) Customer and providers need access to CDR. So we need to
configure Freeswitch the way that it can store CDRs in MySQL database,
that database can be accessed by a web application to show CDR on web.<br><br><b>Hardware
and OS info:</b><br>
CentOS 5.4 (Linux 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5PAE on
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5420 @ 2.50GHz, 4 cores<br>
4 GB RAM.<br>1 GIGABIT NIC with a Public IP address<br>
<br><b>Progress so far:</b><br>1) FreeSwitch installed with installation
procedure at FreeSwitch Wiki (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)<br>
2) Registered and called already created extensions (1001,1002) from
x-lite, called echo extensions and everything worked fine.<br><br><b>Questions:</b><br>1)
I can see there are 2 H323 mods available for FreeSwitch, which one is
better to use in production.<br>
a) <a href=""></a><br>
b) <a href=""></a><br>
2) How and where (location in freeswitch conf) can I create customers,
add IP addresses to authorize without username and password, assign a
prefix to the customer? An example would be nice.<br>
3) How and where (location in freeswitch conf) I can create gateways. An
example would be nice.<br>4) Where to create dialplan to route customer
calls to provider. An example would be nice.<br>5) How to manage credit
assigned to customers, and how to bill the calls?<br>6) How to
configure Freeswitch so that it can dump CDRs to a mysql database.<br>
7) According to FreeSwitch feature list, it supports g723 and g729 in
pass-througe mode, so this means if both customer and providers support
g729 & g723, calls will pass?<br>
8) Is there any limit on g729 and g723 calls in pass-through mood?<br>
9) Approx how many concurrent calls can FreeSwitch support in H323 and
in SIP based on the hardware info given above. <br><br> Any pointers, help, links, examples will be highly appreciated.<br>
Thanks in advance.<div><br></div><div>-Eric</div>