Hi,<br><br>I'm trying to bridge 2 openzap channels, one is inbound call, another is outbound call. <br><br>Below is the Lua script which originates the outbound call in the inbound call dialplan.<br><br>If the "transfer" line is commented out, bridge is working fine. I suspect it is about call legs, but I can find the proper way to set then up. Could anyone please help, thanks.<br>
<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>session_orig = freeswitch.Session("OpenZAP/2/a/98877666")<br><br>while session:getState()~="CS_HANGUP" do<br>
os.execute("usleep 500000")<br> if session_orig:answered() then<br> break<br> end<br>end<br><br>-- need to play message to called party before bridge<br>-- comment out the below line, then bridge is working<br>
session_orig:transfer("orig_ext", "xml", "default")<br><br>freeswitch.bridge(session, session_orig)<br><br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>