Hi All,<br><br>I would like to implement a feature code ** - Disconnect the leg B or stop call progress [ ringing or slient] and jump to the next statement.<br><br>Here is the Lua code I am using to bridge two calls. How to implement the feature code like ** for this purpose.<br>
<br>session:preAnswer();<br><br>digits = session:playAndGetDigits(10, 20, 3, 5000, "#", "enter-dest.wav", "invalid-digits.wav", "\\d+|\\*");<br>obSession = freeswitch.Session("sofia/gateway/voipms/"..digits,session)<br>
<br>if obSession:ready() then<br> obSession:execute("sched_hangup","+60 alloted_timeout");<br> freeswitch.bridge(session, obSession);<br>end<br><br>Thanks<br>Lloyd<br>