Hi guys,<br><br>I am fooling (for the moment) around with event socket outbound and basically I want to control a call that is made to a particular extension and find out if this extension puts the call on hold. At the moment I don't even know if the hold part is possible but I am having a hard time bridging the call to a user.<br>
<br>Currently what I do is to direct the call made to user/301 to an outbound socket, then I answer the channel and park it. Then I originate a channel to user/301 and park it and then I try to use uuid_bridge to bridge both channels and it seems that both channels drop.<br>
<br>Am I doing it correctly?<br><br>I am sure there are better ways to do it and I wanted to get some input from you guys.<br><br>Thx a lot<br>