Hi all,<br><br>I've just completed a new wiki page:<br><br><a href="http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/ALG">http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/ALG</a><br><br>I would like all of you who have dealt with routers with SIP ALG's to submit your input. I would like to see this page have a list of how-to's for all of the popular routers. If we can make it easy for people to disable SIP ALG's then I think we can all save ourselves time and energy answering questions in IRC and the mailing lists. Please by all means add your knowledge here. I started with the 2wire 3800HGV that I got for my ATT Uverse service.<br>
<br>If you have knowledge that you like to add to the wiki (on this subject or any other) but are not confident in your wiki editing skills then contact me off list and I will be happy to help you get up to speed. Editing your first wiki page is always the hardest... :)<br>
<br>Thanks again for all of your help! By the way, today's community conference call was great. Please plan on attending next week and we'll talk about more great FreeSWITCH stuff. I will have the recording of Rupa discussing mod_limit up on line as soon as I can.<br>
<br>Take care,<br>Michael<br>