Dear All,<br> I have installed Sangoma PRI card and installed wanpipe drivers. The wanrouter process started sucessfully.<br> I had the following configurations, <br>
<br>openzap.conf:<br>==========<br>[span wanpipe PRI_1]<br>name => OpenZAP<br>number => 1<br>trunk_type => e1<br>b-channel => 1:1-15<br>d-channel => 1:16<br>b-channel => 1:17-31<br><br><br>[span wanpipe PRI_2]<br>
name => OpenZAP<br>number => 2<br>trunk_type => e1<br>b-channel => 2:1-15<br>d-channel => 2:16<br>b-channel => 2:17-31<br><br>openzap.conf.xml:<br>===========<br><configuration name="openzap.conf" description="OpenZAP Configuration"><br>
<settings><br> <param name="debug" value="1"/><br> </settings><br> <libpri_spans><br> <span name="PRI_1"><br> <param name="node" value="cpe"/><br>
<param name="switch" value="ni2"/><br> <param name="dialplan" value="XML"/><br> <param name="context" value="public"/><br>
</span><br> </libpri_spans><br></configuration><br><br> When I started the freeswitch I have received the following error,<br>
2010-01-19 12:41:22.693212 [ERR] mod_openzap.c:2039 Error finding OpenZAP span id: name:PRI_1 <br><br>Any one please tell me a way to solve this problem...<br><br>Thanks,<br>Mag. <br>