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<p>trying to make so dialplan extensions that use the playbvack and play_and_get_digits applications, but I'm having trouble with the file name specification.</p>
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<p>The files I want to play are in the french language (fr/fr/julie as configured in lang/fr/fr.xml)</p>
<p>My extension is as follows :</p>
<p> <extension name="Disable Ringing on FXS"><br /> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^#1234$"><br /> <action application="set" data="default_language=fr"/><br /> <action application="set_global" data="dont_ring_fxs=true"/><br /> <action application="answer"/><br /> <action application="sleep" data="1000"/><br /> <action application="playback" data="misc/ringing_disabled.wav"/><br /> <action application="hangup" data="normal_clearing"/><br /> </condition><br /> </extension></p>
<p><br />The channel is using a bit rate of 8000 Hz, so by the set default_language=fr I would expect freeswitch to playback the file at ${FREESWITCH_PATH}/sounds/fr/fr/julie/misc/8000/ringing_disabled.wav whereas it tries to playback the file at ${FREESWITCH_PATH}/sounds/en/us/callie/misc/ringing_disabled.wav</p>
<p>I have the same with play_and_get_digits application.</p>
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<p>What am I doing wrong ?</p>
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