Hi,<br>I'm using perl ESL to control the call in freeswitch.<br>I'm having the following scenario, but not able to get it right.<br><br>Dialplan:<br><extension name="outbound_soc"><br> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^9097$"><br>
<action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/><br> <action application="socket" data="<a href=""></a> async full"/><br>
</condition><br></extension><br><br><br>1. User A calls to an extention (1000).<br>2. My ESL program will be running, and it answers the call.<br>3. Then the program will get a number from the user.<br>4. It will hangup the call.<br>
5. The program has to call to the number that was given by the user.<br><br>In the above scenario, I was able to do until the 4th step. After hangup the call, if I say originate it is not working.<br>Any ideas on how to do this in ESL.<br>