Dear All,<br><br>I'm trying to use FS with xml_curl as routing server for otgoing calls to my provides. Here is simplified setup:<br><br>[REGISTRARs] ----> [APP SERVERs] ----> [ROUTING SERVER/FreeSwitch] ----> [SBC/no Transcoder]----> [Terminating GWs/ITSPs]<br>
<br>Because of simplicity I do not use hunting functionality in SBC but only in FS.<br>I try to avoid if possible any trascoding but there are cases that it is necessary. I want ROUTING SERVER to be<br>configured in proxy_media mode or bypass_media but on some errors such as "415 Unsupported Media" that supposed are codec<br>
negotiation issue to hunt again via trascoder before SBC.<br><br>Can someone help to find some elegant way functionality described below to be achieved via dialplan_xml ?<br>Call to +XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for example:<br>available routes by priority are via: ITSP1,ITSP5,ITSP2,ITSP7<br>
outgoing leg to ITSP1 - (returns unallocated number)<br>outgoing leg to ITSP5 - (returns "415 Unsupported Media")<br> new outgoing leg to ITSP5 again but via transcoder - (If call is connected OK, If other error hunt again to next GW - ITSP2)<br>
outgoing leg to ITSP2 - (returns "415 Unsupported Media")<br> new outgoing leg to ITSP2 again but via transcoder - (If call is connected OK, If other error hunt again to next GW - ITSP7)<br>outgoing leg to ITSP7<br>
Remarks: Codec errors may be more that one (415 Unsupported Media/488 Not Acceptable Here ...) and number it ITSP/GW in not fixed.<br><br><br>Thanks to all.<br>