Dear All,<br> I am doing IVR by using perl ESL libraries. I have used ESL::IVR module. I get the DTMF by using playAndGetDigits subroutine which is defined in The DTMF digit stored in freeswitch "digit" variable. <br>
<br> To get the freeswitch variable I used getVar subroutine which is defined in file. When I print that digits, Perl program prints empty value while playing the menu itself. If I need to get the DTMF value I need to wait the perl program.<br>
<br> My question is why the Perl program prints the empty value before executing the getVar function?<br> How can get the DTMF value by using getVar function without waiting in the Perl program?<br><br>Please any one help me in this problem....<br>