Hi there!<br><br>The situation is:<br>- Person A calls to the extension:<br><extension name="some_ext"><br> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^900.$"><br> <action application="answer"/><br>
<action application="park"/><br> </condition><br></extension><br><br>- I bridge him with person B with help of mod_socket:<br>SendMsg <some_uuid><br>call-command: execute<br>execute-app-name: bridge<br>
execute-app-arg: <person B address in form: "user/..."><br><br>- A and B talks<br><br>- Person C decides to barge in the call A<-->B (to become a third participator in the call)<br>a) I send (mod_socket):<br>
api originate user/<person C address> &park()<br>b) then I move A, B, C to the extension:<br><extension name="barge_in"><br> <action application="conference" data="my_confname@my_profile+flags{mintwo}"/><br>
</extension><br><br>conference profile "my_profile" is:<br><profile name="my_profile"><br> <!-- Sample Rate--><br> <param name="rate" value="8000"/><br> <!-- Number of milliseconds per frame --><br>
<param name="interval" value="20"/><br> <!-- Energy level required for audio to be sent to the other users --><br> <param name="energy-level" value="300"/><br>
<!-- Name of the caller control group to use for this profile --><br> <param name="caller-controls" value="none"/><br> <param name="comfort-noise-level" value="1400"/><br>
<!-- enable comfort noise generation --><br> <param name="comfort-noise" value="true"/><br></profile><br><br>The "moving" itself is done by sending this for each (A,B,C) channel<br>
SendMsg <uuid><br>call-command: execute<br>execute-app-name: execute_extension<br>execute-app-arg: barge_in<br><br>- Result: A, B, C are in the same conference with name "my_confname", A can hear B and vice verse, but both A and B can't hear C. C also doesn't hear neither A nor B.<br>
<br>I also tried the "moving" to conference with<br>api uuid_transfer <A_uuid> -both barge_in<br>api uuid_transfer <C_uuid> barge_in<br>but result is the same.<br><br>Maybe someone already faced with such issue?<br>