Hi,<br><br>ok, the module can be loaded, but it now complains about odbc. I can't find anything missing in my odbc.ini. Could someone please point me to the right direction?<br><br>2009-08-28 02:22:35.670284 [ERR] switch_odbc.c:188 STATE: IM002 CODE 201 ERROR: [unixODBC]Missing server name, port, or database name in call to CC_connect.<br>
<br>2009-08-28 02:22:35.670312 [CRIT] mod_xml_odbc.c:577 Cannot Open ODBC Database!<br>2009-08-28 02:22:35.670319 [ERR] mod_xml_odbc.c:612 Unable to load xml_odbc config file<br>2009-08-28 02:22:35.670326 [CRIT] switch_loadable_module.c:871 Error Loading module /usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_xml_odbc.so<br>
**Module load routine returned an error**<br><br><br>I already have xml_odbc.conf<br> cat /etc/odbc.ini <br><br>; begin odbc.ini<br>[ODBC Data Sources]<br>test = PostgreSQL ODBC Driver<br><br>[test]<br>Driver = /usr/local/lib/libodbcpsql.so<br>
Description = PostgreSQL Data Source<br>DSN = test<br>Servername =<br>Server =<br>Port = 5432<br>;Socket = 4096<br>Protocol = 6.4 # 7.2 or other values<br>UserName = root<br>Password = JdqB-S<br>
Database = freeswitch<br>ReadOnly = no<br>ServerType = Postgres<br>FetchBufferSize = 99<br>ServerOptions =<br>ConnectOptions =<br>;Options = 3<br>Trace = 0<br>TraceFile = /var/log/PostgreSQL_test_trace.log<br>Debug = 0<br>
DebugFile = /var/log/PostgreSQL_test_debug.log<br><br>