Hello,<br><br>Good work guys. I am having good fun using freeswitch so far. Currently, I am having a serious issue on making a call transfer happen. The scenario is simple.<br><br>1. Caller A arrives on extension 1 and is waiting on a fifo queue.<br>
2. Caller B arrives on extension 2 and dial plan bridges the call to Caller C.<br><br>Now after a certain period of time, I want to hang up Caller B and put Caller C in the fifo queue where Caller A is waiting. I know the UUIDs of the all 3 calls. Naively, I tried the following and failed.<br>
<br>1. I put the bridged call to Caller C on park .<br>2. I did a "hang up" to caller B.<br>3. I did "fifo in" for Caller C into fifo queue of caller A.<br><br>This did not work. What is the right way to do this? Do I have make sure uuid_transfer? I am using Event socket to do all of this.<br>