While installing mod_lcr I got the following problem.<br>freeswitch@debian> load mod_lcr<br>API CALL [load(mod_lcr)] output:<br>-ERR [module load file routine returned an error]<br><br>freeswitch@debian> 2009-08-01 18:12:15 [INFO] mod_lcr.c:522 lcr_load_config() odbc_dsn is<br>
2009-08-01 18:12:15 [INFO] mod_lcr.c:536 lcr_load_config() dsn is "", user is "freeswitch", and password is "freeswitch"<br>2009-08-01 18:12:15 [ERR] switch_odbc.c:164 switch_odbc_handle_connect() STATE: IM002 CODE 0 ERROR: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified<br>
<br>2009-08-01 18:12:15 [CRIT] mod_lcr.c:546 lcr_load_config() Cannot Open ODBC Database!<br>2009-08-01 18:12:15 [ERR] mod_lcr.c:985 mod_lcr_load() Unable to load lcr config file<br>2009-08-01 18:12:15 [CRIT] switch_loadable_module.c:839 switch_loadable_module_load_file() Error Loading module /usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_lcr.so<br>
**Module load routine returned an error**<br><br>What could the error?<br>How can I resolve it?<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Regards,<br>Thangappan.M<br>