Hello folks!<br><br>We have a few more updates. First of all, if you haven't already heard, we've extended the early bird sign up to go through July 21. That's only two weeks away, so if you haven't already registered then please call us at 877.742.CLUE and we'll get you set up. Secondly, there are some updates on the ClueCon blog:<br>
<a href="http://cluecon.com/blog/1">http://cluecon.com/blog/1</a><br><br>The breakfast and lunch menus have been posted. (Subject to change, of course. :) Also, we have a synopsis for Irv Shapiro's talk, entitled "Cloud Telephony" on the latest blog post.<br>
<br>Can't wait to see you all in Chicago!<br>-Michael Collins<br><a href="http://www.cluecon.com">http://www.cluecon.com</a><br>877.742.CLUE<br>