Well, telnet works, what else could it be?<br><br>another thing i remember doing before the fs_cli stopped working was installing TCAPI and getting it to work, but i didn't change any config files or anything other than what it says in the instalation instructions; <br>
<br>I don't mind so much about replicating the issue and figuring out how did it get damaged, what I really want to know now is how to make it work again cause even reconfiguring/installing fs doesn't fix it and the truth is, the fs_cli is comfortable; any idea on how to fix it other than starting a fresh install of fs from a new os instalation?<br>
<br>Thank you!<br><br>My telnet output:<br><font size="1">-bash-3.2# telnet localhost 8021<br>Trying<br>Connected to localhost.localdomain (<br>Escape character is '^]'.<br>Content-Type: auth/request<br>
<br>auth <my password><br><br>Content-Type: command/reply<br>Reply-Text: +OK accepted<br><br>exit<br><br>Content-Type: command/reply<br>Reply-Text: +OK bye<br><br>Content-Type: text/disconnect-notice<br>Content-Length: 70<br>
<br>Disconnected, goodbye!<br>See you at ClueCon <a href="http://www.cluecon.com/">http://www.cluecon.com/</a> !!!<br>Connection closed by foreign host.</font><br><br>-------<br><br><b>Michael Collins wrote:</b><br><pre>just for kicks, can you try a raw telnet session, just to make sure<br>
the the event socket is working properly?<br>telnet localhost 8021<br>auth ClueCon (press enter twice)<br><br>If you get something like this:<br>h-3.2# telnet localhost 8021<br>Trying ::1...<br>telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused<br>
Trying fe80::1...<br>telnet: connect to address fe80::1: Connection refused<br>Trying<br>Connected to localhost.<br>Escape character is '^]'.<br>Content-Type: auth/request<br><br>auth ClueCon<br><br>Content-Type: command/reply<br>
Reply-Text: +OK accepted<br><br>Then the event socket stuff is working. To exit out, type "exit" then<br>enter twice. Let us know what happens.<br>-MC<br><br>On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Milena <<a href="http://lists.freeswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/freeswitch-users">testeador01 at gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
><i><br></i>><i> I use the stable version of fs 1.0.2 testing out different options of<br></i>><i> configuration;<br></i>><i> Last thing I was doing was trying to fix some issues with dingaling-google<br></i>><i> talk cause i hear no audio at all from an external ip, and i still didnt get<br>
</i>><i> it to work;<br></i>><i><br></i>><i> so i tried deleting the sofia_* files on the folder db/ as suggested on<br></i>><i> another thread about nat related issues (oops?), and then restarting fs.<br></i>><i> After this, trying to execute bin/fs_cli doesn't work anymore; it tries to<br>
</i>><i> connect cause i get the output on the box:<br></i>><i> 2009-01-23 16:23:59 [DEBUG] mod_event_socket.c:1791 listener_run()<br></i>><i> Connection Open from <a href=""></a><br>
</i>><i> 2009-01-23 16:23:59 [DEBUG] mod_event_socket.c:1914 listener_run() Session<br></i>><i> complete, waiting for children<br></i>><i> 2009-01-23 16:23:59 [DEBUG] mod_event_socket.c:1938 listener_run()<br></i>><i> Connection Closed<br>
</i>><i><br></i>><i> but on the console where im trying to run the cli nothing happens,<br></i>><i> I tried rebooting the machine; i tried with freeswitch make current, it<br></i>><i> didn't fix it; i tried all the way from configure to make and make install<br>
</i>><i> and it didn't fix my problem either.<br></i>><i><br></i>><i> What should i run or change on the configurations to fix this?<br></i>><i><br></i>><i> Thank you very much.<br></i>><i><br></i>><i> _______________________________________________<br>
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