Hi,<br><br>Nice work on mod_fax! I just tried sending myself a couple of faxes and they were received successfully. I even tried using tone_detect which correctly detected the fax machine and fired off rxfax.<br><br>I wanted to report back on a couple of issues:<br>
<br>1) Even though the spool dir is set to /tmp/, I called up rxfax with data="rxfax.tiff" and it saved it in /. Shouldn't it save it in the spool dir?<br><br>2) After receiving the fax, the channel is never hanged up. The tone_detect app even detects the busy tone (which calls the hangup application when it detects it) but it just sits there for a long time until I manually uuid_kill it. Log says:<br>
<br>2008-11-17 11:59:08 [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:489 switch_core_session_perform_receive_message() Send signal OpenZAP/1:1/1 [BREAK]<br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:163 phase_e_handler() ==============================================================================<br>
2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:170 phase_e_handler() Fax successfully received.<br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:181 phase_e_handler() Remote station id: <br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:182 phase_e_handler() Local station id: Home<br>
2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:183 phase_e_handler() Pages transferred: 1<br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:184 phase_e_handler() Total fax pages: 1<br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:185 phase_e_handler() Image resolution: 8031x3850<br>
2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:186 phase_e_handler() Transfer Rate: 9600<br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:188 phase_e_handler() ECM status off<br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:189 phase_e_handler() remote country: <br>
2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:190 phase_e_handler() remote vendor: <br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:191 phase_e_handler() remote model: <br>2008-11-17 12:00:20 [DEBUG] mod_fax.c:193 phase_e_handler() ==============================================================================<br>
2008-11-17 12:00:23 [DEBUG] switch_ivr_async.c:1228 tone_detect_callback() TONE busy DETECTED<br>2008-11-17 12:00:23 [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:667 switch_core_session_queue_private_event() Send signal OpenZAP/1:1/1 [BREAK]<br>
<br>... time goes by ... show channels returns:<br><br>FreeSWITCH>show channels<br>uuid,created,created_epoch,name,state,cid_name,cid_num,ip_addr,dest,application,application_data,dialplan,context,read_codec,read_rate,write_codec,write_rate<br>
da211ab0-b4af-11dd-9b26-492b0027ea62,2008-11-17 11:58:46,1226930326,OpenZAP/1:1/1,CS_EXECUTE,OpenZAP,52174195,,inbound_fax,rxfax,rxfax.tiff,XML,internal,PCMU,8000,PCMU,8000<br><br>1 total.<br><br>... until I finally call:<br>
<br>FreeSWITCH>uuid_kill da211ab0-b4af-11dd-9b26-492b0027ea62<br>+OK<br><br>In the dialplan, right after calling rxfax I call the hangup application.<br><br>Thanks to all involved for making FS, mod_fax, spandsp, etc! :) <br>
<br>Any help on the above would be greatly appreciated.<br>- Gonzalo<br>