Hi,<br>I am having a voicemail problem:<br><br>Problem 1<br>In the wiki, it says that with the below line, the user can check vm without needing to authenticate:<br> <action application="voicemail" data="auth default 1005"/><br>
<br>Instead, it goes to the mailbox asking user to record message:<br><br> [/usr/local/freeswitch/sounds/en/us/callie/voicemail/8000/vm-record_message.wav] rate 8000hz<br><br>How come it is not going to the vm?<br><br><br>
Problem 2<br>If I change to <action application="voicemail" data="check default 1005"/><br><br>it asks me to enter user id follow by #. So, I enter 1005#, and it just hangs up.<br><br>The curl xml created by fs shows:<br>
<br><document type="freeswitch/xml"><br> <section name="directory" description="Directory For FreeSwitch"><br> <domain name=""><br> <user id=""><br>
<params><br> <param name="password" value="1234"/><br> </params><br> <variables><br> <variable name="user_context" value="agent"/><br>
</variables><br> </user><br> </domain><br> </section><br></document><br><br>Since I am using the user 1005 to dial in, so userid and password should work, otherwise, I won't be able to login to dial the number.<br>
<br>Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Regards,<br>Pete<br>