Hello Freeswitch'rs,<br><br>I recently began using the latest freeswitch beta code as a pure B2BUA for the purpose of topology hiding of IP - PSTN calls.<br><br>running env:<br>Linux b2bua 2.6.18 #6 SMP Thu Nov 16 10:35:45 EST 2006 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5140 @
2.33GHz GNU/Linux<br>Freeswitch version: FreeSwitch Version 1.0.pre1 (6220M)<br><br>The modules I am using are 711 and 729 codecs, sip, directory, xml_rpc, cdr, xml_cdr, console and syslog.<br><br>I am seeing what appears to be a memory leak. Consumed memory continues to drop linearly based on number of calls.
<br>Also had one core dump.<br><br>What can I do to help troubleshoot these issues?<br><br>Today I plan to stop using the CDR, rpc and logging modules to see if it makes a difference.<br><br>Also considering running on one of my fedora core 7 boxes instead of gentoo, again to see if anything changes.
<br><br>Ideas appreciated.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Tom<br>