<DIV> when i use the <registration>...</registration> to configure my freeswitch to register a sip caller,the debug shows</DIV>
<DIV> "the <registrations> syntax has been discontinued,please see the new syntax in the default configuratin examples".</DIV>
<DIV> my configuration file is as follow:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> <registrations></DIV>
<DIV> <registration name="1000"><BR> <param name="register-scheme" value="Digest"/><BR> <param name="register-realm" value="mydomain"/><BR> <param name="register-username" value="1000"/><BR> <param name="register-password" value="1111"/><BR> <param name="register-from" value="sip:1000@mydomain:5060"/><BR> <param name="regtiste-to" value="sip:mydomain"/><BR> <param name="register-proxy" value="sip:mydomain"/><BR> <param name="register-frequency" value="20"/><BR> </registration> <BR> </registrations></DIV>
<DIV>* in the above file ,the mydomain is replaced by the ip address of my freeswitch server.</DIV>
<DIV>why the registration syntax is dicontinued, and who can give me an example on the true configuration ?</DIV>
<DIV> thang you very much !</DIV>
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