REGISTER with Telekom SIP Trunk

Gregor Maier freeswitch13 at
Sat Oct 30 06:52:38 UTC 2021

Hello Johannes, hello list!

I just found your post because I'm trying to achieve the same thing waht's already 
implemented for asterisk long time ago.

A few things to clarify the goal of the desired change a bit more:

- The standard registration with Telekom AllIP works just fine (regarding SIP over
   TLS e.g.)
- But if you additionally want to use encrypted RTP, you have to go through
   mediasec enabled registration. That's what you described partly below.

I want to go a bit more into deep how mediasec works at Deutsche Telekom. It's an 
extension of the regular registration process. It works like this (RFC3329) (only 
the additional headers of the regular register added):

(1) ----> (Request sent by FS)
CSeq: 12735 REGISTER
Security-Client: sdes-srtp;mediasec
Proxy-Require: mediasec
Require: mediasec

(2) <---- (Response sent to FS)
SIP/2.0 494 Security Agreement Required
CSeq: 12735 REGISTER
Security-Server: msrp-tls;mediasec
Security-Server: sdes-srtp;mediasec
Security-Server: dtls-srtp;mediase

(3) ---->
CSeq: 12736 REGISTER
Security-Verify: msrp-tls;mediasec
Security-Verify: sdes-srtp;mediasec
Security-Verify: dtls-srtp;mediasec

(4) <-----
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized 11030030345
CSeq: 12736 REGISTER
Security-Server: msrp-tls;mediasec
Security-Server: sdes-srtp;mediasec
Security-Server: dtls-srtp;mediasec

(5) ---->
CSeq: 12737 REGISTER
Security-Verify: msrp-tls;mediasec
Security-Verify: sdes-srtp;mediasec
Security-Verify: dtls-srtp;mediasec

(6) <----
SIP/2.0 200 OK

To summarize it:
mediasec adds one additional request / response process at the beginning of the 
known registration process and a few additional headers:
Requesting mediasec (it's the known register start plus additional headers) and 
the response is 494 Security Agreement Required. From now on registration works as 
usual except for those three additional headers.

I searched and found lots of documentation. Therefore I found a pretty easy way to 
add those additional headers (in the C code) and I'm able to start the mediasec 
process. Unfortunately, I'm not able to handle / route this additional 
request/response process right at the beginning, because sofia doesn't provide any 
means to modify the registration process based on freeswitch (id est: without 
changing sofia). Is this correct? Or is there nevertheless a way to integrate this 
additional request / response because I overlooked something?

I am able to get the 494 in freeswitch, but I don't know how to exactly proceed 
because sofia doesn't know anything about this process and sofia has its own 
definition on how to do registration. Maybe some of you do have any idea?

Basically it's pretty easy: after the first preceeding request / response, the 
"real" registration has to be (re)started. That's how it's possible in asterisk.

The key point is, that the "restarted" registration process must know about the 
fact that the mediasec process has already been done, because after the 494, you 
have to set three other headers in the register as before (compare (1) and (3) above).

The registration process is started with nua_register(). It probably would work if 
it would be possible to just silently (= do not send anything to the SIP provider 
at all) end the complete registration process after the 494 and immediately 
restart it again right from the beginning (plus three additional headers) - at 
this moment, the registration process itself works normally as sofia expects it.

If registration proceeds, the next and last step is to add the
to the outgoing invite's SDP. At the moment, I don't know how to do it - but the 
reason is pretty simple: I first have to solve registration - afterwards let's do 
the next step.

Thanks for any help!

On 17.08.21 at 09:00 Schäffner, Johannes wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to register with a Deutsche Telekom SIP Trunk.
> The Deutsche Telekom technical documentation states that the client must set the following SIP header fields:
> For an initial REGISTER without Authentication Challenge the SIP Header fields
> - Security-Client: sdes-srtp;mediasec
> - Proxy Request: mediasec
> - Requirement: mediasec
> shall be included. The platform replies with SIP 401 Unauthorised and contains the SIP header fields
> - Security server: msrp-tls;mediasec
> - Security server: sdes-srtp;mediasec
> - Security server: dtls-srtp;mediasec
> with indication of the possible encryption methods. For the following REGISTER with Authentication Challenge,
> in addition to the originally included SIP header fields Security-Client, Proxy-Require, Require the SIP header fields
> - Security Check: msrp-tls;mediasec
> - Security check: sdes-srtp;mediasec
> - Security check: dtls-srtp;mediasec
> shall also be included. According to RFC3261, the Security-Verify header fields can also be combined as a single header field.
> I have seen, that the Sofia-Stack has implemented these Fields.
> But I have not found a way to set these header fields in the REGISTER message.
> (For the INVITE messages I'm using the set action sip_h_*; not sure if this is correct.
> There I have the Problem, that I'm not able to set the SDP Attribute
> a=3ge2ae:requested)
> Regards, Johannes

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