[Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch Stop Responding After 2 Days
Lloyd Aloysius
lloyd.aloysius at gmail.com
Mon May 25 14:23:44 UTC 2020
Attached core output in text file. So many memory errors. I tried the
physical server, esxi server same issues. Can someone point me the correct
direction. Looks like unable to read memory. But servers I tried have
physical server 96gb and virtual esxi 48 gb
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 2:20 AM Faisal Hanif <imfanee at gmail.com> wrote:
> If you are using LUA's DB/ODBC driver to connect DB instead of
> FreeSWITCH's built in ODBC connection then this could be issue as there are
> known complaint of memory leakage in LUA's ODBC/DB driver.
> On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 06:36, Lloyd Aloysius <lloyd.aloysius at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> unixodbc and mysql for business logic
>> I have same problem, Please see below it is partial. Switch stop
>> responding... Any help on this issue. How to solve this problem
>> top - 20:57:49 up 4 days, 2:33, 1 user, load average: 0.22, 0.12, 0.10
>> Threads: 97 total, 0 running, 97 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
>> %Cpu(s): 0.8 us, 0.3 sy, 0.0 ni, 98.6 id, 0.2 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.1 si,
>> 0.0 st
>> KiB Mem: 99168592 total, 13798980 used, 85369616 free, 204232 buffers
>> KiB Swap: 39517180 total, 0 used, 39517180 free. 5790544 cached
>> Mem
>> 56800 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 0:04.60
>> freeswitch
>> 56801 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 0:05.64
>> freeswitch
>> 56802 freeswi+ rt -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 2:38.80
>> freeswitch
>> 56804 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 1:00.68
>> freeswitch
>> 56806 freeswi+ -11 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 10:02.48
>> freeswitch
>> 56807 freeswi+ rt -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 0:03.48
>> freeswitch
>> 56808 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 0:07.83
>> freeswitch
>> 56814 freeswi+ rt -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 2:18.11
>> freeswitch
>> 56815 freeswi+ rt -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 30:52.02
>> freeswitch
>> 56816 freeswi+ -11 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 8:12.99
>> freeswitch
>> 56818 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 4:21.43
>> freeswitch
>> 56819 freeswi+ rt -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 0:05.03
>> freeswitch
>> 56820 freeswi+ rt -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 1:09.79
>> freeswitch
>> 56821 freeswi+ -11 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 0:11.14
>> freeswitch
>> 56823 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 2:05.75
>> freeswitch
>> 56824 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 20:45.59
>> freeswitch
>> 56825 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 20:45.15
>> freeswitch
>> 56943 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 0:00.00
>> freeswitch
>> 56945 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 2:49.09
>> freeswitch
>> 56946 freeswi+ -2 -10 8670300 2.070g 25848 S 0.0 2.2 2:38.27
>> freeswitch
>> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 6:33 PM David Villasmil <
>> david.villasmil.work at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Why do you think it's a memory leak?
>>> Also, why use unixodbc _and_ mysql? what modules are you using?
>>> Regards,
>>> David Villasmil
>>> email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
>>> phone: +34669448337
>>> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 8:57 PM Lloyd Aloysius <lloyd.aloysius at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I use the following unixodbc, mysql, lua
>>>> Looks like it is a memory leak. Do not know where to start to looking
>>>> into. Switch stop responding and need a restart the service.
>>>> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 3:36 AM Faisal Hanif <imfanee at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> do you have any custom code managing business logic ?
>>>>> On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 05:34, Lloyd Aloysius <lloyd.aloysius at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>> This is happening in same pattern after 2 days.A restart service
>>>>>> solve the issues. I tried v1.6 , v1.8, v1.10 same behavior. Can someone
>>>>>> help me to find the correct direction. Attached following command output.
>>>>>> top -b -H -p `cat /usr/local/freeswitch/run/freeswitch.pid` -n 1
>>>>>> Machine have 42 GB memory.
>>>>>> When I look into this output I assume freeswitch use 79g memory.
>>>>>> Looks like not enough memory. Am I correct?
>>>>>> Even I increase the memory some thing happening after 2 days. I tried
>>>>>> physical vs virtual esxi same pattern problem
>>>>>> How to solve this problem? Can someone point the correct direction.
>>>>>> The following is startup script. Any suggestions?
>>>>>> *Start up script*
>>>>>> /etc/systemd/system/freeswitch.service
>>>>>> ; This file in installations built from Master can be found in
>>>>>> ; /usr/src/freeswitch.git/debian
>>>>>> ; or
>>>>>> ; /usr/src/freeswitch/debian
>>>>>> [Unit]
>>>>>> Description=freeswitch
>>>>>> After=syslog.target network.target local-fs.target mysql.service
>>>>>> apache2.service
>>>>>> [Service]
>>>>>> ; service
>>>>>> Type=forking
>>>>>> PIDFile=/usr/local/freeswitch/run/freeswitch.pid
>>>>>> ;PermissionsStartOnly=true
>>>>>> ; blank ExecStart= line flushes the list
>>>>>> ExecStart=
>>>>>> Environment="USER=freeswitch"
>>>>>> Environment="GROUP=freeswitch"
>>>>>> ExecStart=/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch -u freeswitch -g
>>>>>> freeswitch -nc
>>>>>> TimeoutSec=45s
>>>>>> Restart=always
>>>>>> ; exec
>>>>>> WorkingDirectory=/usr/local/freeswitch/bin
>>>>>> ;User=root
>>>>>> ;Group=daemon
>>>>>> LimitCORE=infinity
>>>>>> LimitNOFILE=100000
>>>>>> LimitNPROC=60000
>>>>>> LimitSTACK=250000
>>>>>> LimitRTPRIO=infinity
>>>>>> LimitRTTIME=infinity
>>>>>> IOSchedulingClass=realtime
>>>>>> IOSchedulingPriority=2
>>>>>> CPUSchedulingPolicy=rr
>>>>>> CPUSchedulingPriority=89
>>>>>> UMask=0007
>>>>>> ;NoNewPrivileges=false
>>>>>> [Install]
>>>>>> WantedBy=multi-user.target
>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________________
>>>>>> The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire
>>>>>> https://signalwire.com
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Faisal Hanif
>>>>> _________________________________________________________________________
>>>>> The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire
>>>>> https://signalwire.com
>>>>> Enhance your FreeSWITCH install with disruptive priced SMS and PSTN
>>>>> services.
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>>>>> https://freeswitch.com
>>>> _________________________________________________________________________
>>>> The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire
>>>> https://signalwire.com
>>>> Enhance your FreeSWITCH install with disruptive priced SMS and PSTN
>>>> services.
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>>>> FreeSWITCH-users at lists.freeswitch.org
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>>>> https://freeswitch.com
>>> _________________________________________________________________________
>>> The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire https://signalwire.com
>>> Enhance your FreeSWITCH install with disruptive priced SMS and PSTN
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>>> Build your next product on our scalable cloud platform.
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>>> https://freeswitch.com
>> _________________________________________________________________________
>> The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire https://signalwire.com
>> Enhance your FreeSWITCH install with disruptive priced SMS and PSTN
>> services.
>> Build your next product on our scalable cloud platform.
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>> https://freeswitch.org/confluence
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>> UNSUBSCRIBE:http://lists.freeswitch.org/mailman/options/freeswitch-users
>> https://freeswitch.com
> --
> Regards,
> Faisal Hanif
> _________________________________________________________________________
> The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire https://signalwire.com
> Enhance your FreeSWITCH install with disruptive priced SMS and PSTN
> services.
> Build your next product on our scalable cloud platform.
> Join our online community to chat in real time
> https://signalwire.community
> Professional FreeSWITCH Services
> sales at freeswitch.com
> https://freeswitch.com
> Official FreeSWITCH Sites
> https://freeswitch.com/oss
> https://freeswitch.org/confluence
> https://cluecon.com
> FreeSWITCH-users mailing list
> FreeSWITCH-users at lists.freeswitch.org
> http://lists.freeswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/freeswitch-users
> UNSUBSCRIBE:http://lists.freeswitch.org/mailman/options/freeswitch-users
> https://freeswitch.com
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#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
#3 0x00007f9e12e77075 in pool_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_core_memory.c:569
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e13b71c40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e13b0f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 822977}
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
No locals.
#3 0x00007f9e12e77075 in pool_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_core_memory.c:569
len = 0
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e13b71c40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e13b71c40
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e13b0f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e13b0f700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316911924992,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316898717600,
140316911924992, -2147216993544671457, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 61 (Thread 0x7f9e13bd77c0 (LWP 1696)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
#3 0x00007f9e12e989d2 in switch_core_runtime_loop (bg=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core.c:1197
#4 0x0000000000402e24 in main (argc=6, argv=0x7ffe23c58368)
at src/switch.c:1208
Thread 60 (Thread 0x7f9d97767700 (LWP 15982)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d44072bb0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d44072bb0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97765c68) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97765c68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d97765c20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9d440013f0 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d97765c20) at src/switch_console.c:393
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d977665a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d9800f6f8,
event=0x7f9d97766808, reply=0x7f9d97766830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d9800f6f8)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d98635b08)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97767700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 59 (Thread 0x7f9d96de7700 (LWP 15856)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cdc136e50) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cdc136e50) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d96de5c68) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d96de5c68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d96de5c20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9cdc16f670 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d96de5c20) at src/switch_console.c:393
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d96de65a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d9800b458,
event=0x7f9d96de6808, reply=0x7f9d96de6830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d9800b458)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d984adae8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d96de7700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 58 (Thread 0x7f9d96f59700 (LWP 15739)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca80061f0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca80061f0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d96f57c68) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d96f57c68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d96f57c20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9ca8075020 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d96f57c20) at src/switch_console.c:393
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d96f585a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d98005358,
event=0x7f9d96f58808, reply=0x7f9d96f58830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d98005358)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d98325ac8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d96f59700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 57 (Thread 0x7f9d97d71700 (LWP 15620)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d3c008840) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d3c008840) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97d6fc68) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97d6fc68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d97d6fc20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9d3c023e10 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d97d6fc20) at src/switch_console.c:393
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d97d705a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d98007368,
event=0x7f9d97d70808, reply=0x7f9d97d70830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d98007368)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d9819daa8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97d71700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 56 (Thread 0x7f9d97af3700 (LWP 15584)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ce405f370) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ce405f370) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97af19b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97af19b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de4194650,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0016970, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d97af25c0 "f5109994-ae55-4dd1-9dcf-360c47aff164", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97af2560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97af2de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x15, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de47857b8, de=0x7f9df0016970, tags=0x7f9de42f0b90)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x15 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x15>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de47857b8, de=0x7f9df0016970, tags=0x7f9de42f0b90) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97af2e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97af2e30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5950)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97af3700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 55 (Thread 0x7f9d97545700 (LWP 15583)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cfc032630) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cfc032630) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d975439b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d975439b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de42fd030,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df005d890, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d975445c0 "b2e25344-b451-4a16-82ad-1e17c2c614ba", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97544560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97544de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x16, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de45f1998, de=0x7f9df005d890, tags=0x7f9de4ac1150)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x16 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x16>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de45f1998, de=0x7f9df005d890, tags=0x7f9de4ac1150) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97544e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97544e30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf58b8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97545700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 54 (Thread 0x7f9d97451700 (LWP 15579)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca4009640) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca4009640) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97450c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97450c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df026a350, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df026c278)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df026c278) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df02921e0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df02921e0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97451700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 53 (Thread 0x7f9d97415700 (LWP 15561)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d1804d770) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d1804d770) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97414c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97414c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df023a290, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df023c1b8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df023c1b8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0262100, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0262100)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97415700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 52 (Thread 0x7f9d97b6b700 (LWP 15556)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c5c0471f0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c5c0471f0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97b699b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97b699b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de4a7dbe0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df019d590, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d97b6a5c0 "e32485e9-6f36-4572-930f-5bc5b480ca5c", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97b6a560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97b6ade0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x12, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de4b50728, de=0x7f9df019d590, tags=0x7f9de41e79d0)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x12 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x12>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de4b50728, de=0x7f9df019d590, tags=0x7f9de41e79d0) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97b6ae38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97b6ae30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5820)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97b6b700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 51 (Thread 0x7f9d97049700 (LWP 15555)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cec230980) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cec230980) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d970479b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d970479b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de426fcf0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0062110, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d970485c0 "86584e41-a4ba-41e7-a84e-55eaeb64c7ad", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97048560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97048de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x11, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de461b198, de=0x7f9df0062110, tags=0x7f9de4444ef0)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x11 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x11>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de461b198, de=0x7f9df0062110, tags=0x7f9de4444ef0) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97048e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97048e30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5788)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97049700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 50 (Thread 0x7f9d97177700 (LWP 15554)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c9c2559d0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c9c2559d0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97176c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97176c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df017d0b0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df017efd8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df017efd8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0190eb0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0190eb0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97177700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 49 (Thread 0x7f9d977df700 (LWP 15553)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d24107f10) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d24107f10) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d977dec48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d977dec48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df014cfe0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df014ef08)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df014ef08) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0174df0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0174df0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d977df700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 48 (Thread 0x7f9d978d1700 (LWP 15550)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cd007cd70) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cd007cd70) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d978d0c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d978d0c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df01bdaf0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df01bfa18)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df01bfa18) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0135350, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0135350)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d978d1700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 47 (Thread 0x7f9e0be2e700 (LWP 15549)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca0074080) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca0074080) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e0be2dc48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9e0be2dc48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df00a9a30, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df00ab958)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df00ab958) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df01b5c20, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df01b5c20)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0be2e700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 46 (Thread 0x7f9d970fd700 (LWP 15548)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7c000ff0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7c000ff0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d970fcc48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d970fcc48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df00f6fc0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df00f8ee8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df00f8ee8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df00a44f0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df00a44f0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d970fd700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 45 (Thread 0x7f9d97a3f700 (LWP 15547)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cc4009ab0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cc4009ab0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97a3ec48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97a3ec48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df0075db0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df01e7648)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df01e7648) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df01f8eb0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df01f8eb0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97a3f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 44 (Thread 0x7f9d97a7b700 (LWP 15546)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7400b3b0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7400b3b0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97a7ac48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97a7ac48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df0053a30, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df0064ef8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df0064ef8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0070170, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0070170)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97a7b700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 43 (Thread 0x7f9d97ab7700 (LWP 15543)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d2c040980) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d2c040980) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97ab6c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97ab6c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df0038490, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df003a3b8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df003a3b8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df00d5dc0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df00d5dc0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97ab7700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 42 (Thread 0x7f9d97b2f700 (LWP 15539)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d300331e0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d300331e0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97b2d9b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97b2d9b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de47c66e0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0197c50, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d97b2e5c0 "c9d28c36-0c43-4812-99e5-964b5118ad7b", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97b2e560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97b2ede0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x8, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de46c2fb8, de=0x7f9df0197c50, tags=0x7f9de4a36af0)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x8 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x8>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de46c2fb8, de=0x7f9df0197c50, tags=0x7f9de4a36af0) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97b2ee38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97b2ee30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf56f0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97b2f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 41 (Thread 0x7f9d976ef700 (LWP 15538)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d74034730) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d74034730) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d976ed9b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d976ed9b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de495f4e0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0048340, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d976ee5c0 "5bf12138-caa0-4864-b5b6-f6a6d2b02f87", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d976ee560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d976eede0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de47a4ac8, de=0x7f9df0048340, tags=0x7f9de492b340)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x7 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de47a4ac8, de=0x7f9df0048340, tags=0x7f9de492b340) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d976eee38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d976eee30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5658)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d976ef700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 40 (Thread 0x7f9d9700d700 (LWP 15741)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d284fafc0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d284fafc0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d9700ce28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d9700ce20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5ca8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9700d700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 39 (Thread 0x7f9d9748d700 (LWP 8395)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d586759c0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d586759c0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d9748ce28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d9748ce20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5c10)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9748d700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 38 (Thread 0x7f9d96fd1700 (LWP 22209)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d009a65a0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d009a65a0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d96fd0e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d96fd0e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5b78)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d96fd1700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 37 (Thread 0x7f9d977a3700 (LWP 5905)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c88cb4f50) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9c88cb4f50) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d977a2e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d977a2e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5ae0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d977a3700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 36 (Thread 0x7f9d97581700 (LWP 28621)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ce9179ad0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9ce9179ad0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d97580e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d97580e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5a48)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97581700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 35 (Thread 0x7f9d970c1700 (LWP 19555)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d1c28c000) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d1c28c000) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d970c0e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d970c0e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb59b0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d970c1700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 34 (Thread 0x7f9d975f9700 (LWP 910)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ccc8a58c0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9ccc8a58c0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d975f8e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d975f8e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5918)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d975f9700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 33 (Thread 0x7f9d9c0bb700 (LWP 1894)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=0x1cf4918, data=0x7f9d9c0bae18)
at misc/apr_queue.c:276
#3 0x00007f9e09b880cf in sofia_presence_event_thread_run (thread=0x1cf49b4,
obj=0x80) at sofia_presence.c:1624
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf55c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9c0bb700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 32 (Thread 0x7f9d9c137700 (LWP 1892)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d7e1ecb00) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d7e1ecb00) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d9c136e08) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=<optimized out>, func=<optimized out>,
line=<optimized out>, event=0x7f9d9c136e08, user_data=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e082a7ea3 in actual_message_query_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4065
#7 vm_event_thread_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x80) at mod_voicemail.c:4103
#8 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d4c918)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#9 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9c137700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#10 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 31 (Thread 0x7f9dc0054700 (LWP 1881)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1fa2800,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc0053e40) at misc/apr_queue.c:276
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b325 in switch_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1fa2800,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc0053e40) at src/switch_apr.c:1167
#4 0x00007f9e12ee04ee in chat_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x1fa2800) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:738
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1fae7f0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0054700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 30 (Thread 0x7f9dc0090700 (LWP 1880)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1cc3f78,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc008fe40) at misc/apr_queue.c:276
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b325 in switch_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1cc3f78,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc008fe40) at src/switch_apr.c:1167
#4 0x00007f9e12ee04ee in chat_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x1cc3f78) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:738
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1fa27d0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0090700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 29 (Thread 0x7f9dc00cc700 (LWP 1879)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f53002 in softtimer_runtime () at src/switch_time.c:1167
#2 0x00007f9e12ed9df2 in switch_loadable_module_exec (thread=0x1cc3ef8,
obj=0x1cc3ad8) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:113
#3 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cc3ef8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc00cc700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 28 (Thread 0x7f9dc030c700 (LWP 1878)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9c8d in accept () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e13182f96 in apr_socket_accept (new=0x7f9dc030bdf0,
sock=0x7f9d98000c18, connection_context=0x7f9d980136c8)
at network_io/unix/sockets.c:191
#2 0x00007f9e09ef07a2 in mod_event_socket_runtime ()
at mod_event_socket.c:2987
#3 0x00007f9e12ed9df2 in switch_loadable_module_exec (thread=0x1cc3a40,
obj=0x1cc3520) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:113
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cc3a40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc030c700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 27 (Thread 0x7f9dc09b0700 (LWP 1875)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1e01cd0)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1e01cd0) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2f, obj=0x7f9dc09af470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1e024a0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc09b0700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 26 (Thread 0x7f9dc09ec700 (LWP 1874)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1dfdcb0)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1dfdcb0) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2e, obj=0x7f9dc09eb470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dfe480)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc09ec700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 25 (Thread 0x7f9dc0a28700 (LWP 1873)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1df9c90)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1df9c90) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x30, obj=0x7f9dc0a27470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dfa470)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0a28700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 24 (Thread 0x7f9dc0a64700 (LWP 1872)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1df5c70)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1df5c70) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2a, obj=0x7f9dc0a63470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1df6440)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0a64700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 23 (Thread 0x7f9dc0aa0700 (LWP 1871)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1df1c50)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1df1c50) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2b, obj=0x7f9dc0a9f470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1df2430)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0aa0700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 22 (Thread 0x7f9dc0adc700 (LWP 1870)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1dedc30)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1dedc30) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x25, obj=0x7f9dc0adb470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dee418)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0adc700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 21 (Thread 0x7f9dc0b18700 (LWP 1869)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1de9c10)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1de9c10) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x26, obj=0x7f9dc0b17470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dea3f8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0b18700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 20 (Thread 0x7f9e09233700 (LWP 1868)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1de5bf0)
at src/switch_time.c:482
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1de5bf0) at src/switch_time.c:845
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x23, obj=0x7f9e09232470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1de63d8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09233700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 19 (Thread 0x7f9e0a9fe700 (LWP 1865)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e12e5a5c5 in switch_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at src/switch_apr.c:371
#3 0x00007f9dc3007113 in timer_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at mod_spandsp_fax.c:220
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d5af70)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a9fe700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 18 (Thread 0x7f9e09479700 (LWP 1732)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c421adcf0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c421adcf0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e094779b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9e094779b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de40f3c30,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df011c6f0, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9e094785c0 "9e7a708e-5e53-444b-813a-22f87c1cb8f9", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9e09478560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9e09478de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x3, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de488ff98, de=0x7f9df011c6f0, tags=0x7f9de49d3600)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x3 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de488ff98, de=0x7f9df011c6f0, tags=0x7f9de49d3600) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9e09478e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9e09478e30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d14ef8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09479700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 17 (Thread 0x7f9e094b5700 (LWP 1731)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f6eb0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f6eb0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e094b39b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9e094b39b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de42fea20,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df01fc300, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9e094b45c0 "94f5054a-7019-4c7f-8fd3-c9894ba23cd3", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9e094b4560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9e094b4de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x2, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de42672a8, de=0x7f9df01fc300, tags=0x7f9de48dea20)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de42672a8, de=0x7f9df01fc300, tags=0x7f9de48dea20) at sofia.c:1807
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9e094b4e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9e094b4e30) at sofia.c:2249
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d14e60)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e094b5700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 16 (Thread 0x7f9e094f3700 (LWP 1730)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc404abb0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc404abb0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e094f2de8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c78688 "sofia_glue.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c7b900 <__func__.31698> "sofia_glue_fire_events",
line=line at entry=3136, event=event at entry=0x7f9e094f2de8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b7f10c in sofia_glue_fire_events (
profile=profile at entry=0x1d24350) at sofia_glue.c:3136
#7 0x00007f9e09b4d968 in sofia_profile_worker_thread_run (
thread=<optimized out>, obj=0x1d24350) at sofia.c:3004
#8 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d28890)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#9 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e094f3700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#10 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 15 (Thread 0x7f9e0952f700 (LWP 1727)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e12e7ee3e in switch_user_sql_thread (thread=0x7f9ddc01f734,
obj=0x7f9ddc01f560) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:2135
#2 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e095f36c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#3 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0952f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#4 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 14 (Thread 0x7f9e0975a700 (LWP 1726)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a7ac03 in epoll_wait ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e09c3612c in su_epoll_port_wait_events (self=0x7f9de00008c0,
tout=<optimized out>) at su_epoll_port.c:495
#2 0x00007f9e09c356c6 in su_base_port_run (self=0x7f9de00008c0)
at su_base_port.c:349
#3 0x00007f9e09c3a390 in su_pthread_port_clone_main (varg=0x7f9e09795790)
at su_pthread_port.c:343
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0975a700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 13 (Thread 0x7f9e09796700 (LWP 1725)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ddc02ac80) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=0x7f9ddc02ac80) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e09b77da9 in sofia_queue_message (de=0x7f9ddc02ac80)
at sofia.c:2374
#5 0x00007f9e09b781d0 in sofia_event_callback (event=nua_r_register,
phrase=0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
nua=0x7f9ddc017030, profile=0x0, nh=0x7f9dc4000b60,
sofia_private=0x7f9dc40011c0, sip=0x7f9de0030da8, tags=0x7f9de000e940)
at sofia.c:2633
#6 0x00007f9e09c00c7c in nua_application_event (dummy=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
sumsg=0x7f9e09b77e00 <sofia_event_callback>, ee=0x7f9de000e918)
at nua_stack.c:393
#7 0x00007f9e09c35202 in su_base_port_execute_msgs (queue=0x0)
at su_base_port.c:280
#8 0x00007f9e09c35841 in su_base_port_step (self=0x7f9ddc0008c0, tout=0)
at su_base_port.c:473
#9 0x00007f9e09b63553 in sofia_profile_thread_run (thread=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
obj=0x1d24350) at sofia.c:3391
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d26b38)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09796700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 12 (Thread 0x7f9e097d4700 (LWP 1724)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f1060) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f1060) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e097d3de8) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c78688 "sofia_glue.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c7b900 <__func__.31698> "sofia_glue_fire_events",
line=line at entry=3136, event=event at entry=0x7f9e097d3de8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e09b7f10c in sofia_glue_fire_events (
profile=profile at entry=0x1d1ade0) at sofia_glue.c:3136
#7 0x00007f9e09b4d968 in sofia_profile_worker_thread_run (
thread=<optimized out>, obj=0x1d1ade0) at sofia.c:3004
#8 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e099fcb40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#9 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e097d4700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#10 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 11 (Thread 0x7f9e09810700 (LWP 1721)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e12e7ee3e in switch_user_sql_thread (thread=0x7f9df001f794,
obj=0x7f9df001f5c0) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:2135
#2 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e098d46c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#3 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09810700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#4 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 10 (Thread 0x7f9e09a3b700 (LWP 1720)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a7ac03 in epoll_wait ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e09c3612c in su_epoll_port_wait_events (self=0x7f9de40008c0,
tout=<optimized out>) at su_epoll_port.c:495
#2 0x00007f9e09c02254 in nua_stack_timer (nua=<optimized out>,
t=t at entry=0x7f9de40011e0, a=a at entry=0x0) at nua_stack.c:739
#3 0x00007f9e09c4306d in su_timer_expire (timers=timers at entry=0x7f9de4000908,
timeout=timeout at entry=0x7f9e09a3ae20, now=...) at su_timer.c:585
#4 0x00007f9e09c35684 in su_base_port_run (self=0x7f9de40008c0)
at su_base_port.c:339
#5 0x00007f9e09c3a390 in su_pthread_port_clone_main (varg=0x7f9e0a33b790)
at su_pthread_port.c:343
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09a3b700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 9 (Thread 0x7f9e0a33c700 (LWP 1719)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=data at entry=0x7f9df03036f0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=0x7f9df03036f0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e09b77da9 in sofia_queue_message (de=0x7f9df03036f0)
at sofia.c:2374
#5 0x00007f9e09b781d0 in sofia_event_callback (event=nua_i_subscribe,
phrase=0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>,
nua=0x7f9df0017090, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9c3363cb70,
sofia_private=0x0, sip=0x7f9c33428988, tags=0x7f9c3363d6e0) at sofia.c:2633
#6 0x00007f9e09c00c7c in nua_application_event (dummy=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
sumsg=0x7f9e09b77e00 <sofia_event_callback>, ee=0x7f9c3363d6b8)
at nua_stack.c:393
#7 0x00007f9e09c35202 in su_base_port_execute_msgs (queue=0x0)
at su_base_port.c:280
#8 0x00007f9e09c35841 in su_base_port_step (self=0x7f9df00009c0, tout=0)
at su_base_port.c:473
#9 0x00007f9e09b63553 in sofia_profile_thread_run (thread=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
obj=0x1d1ade0) at sofia.c:3391
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d1d9a8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a33c700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 8 (Thread 0x7f9e0a9c2700 (LWP 1714)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9c8d in accept () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e13182f96 in apr_socket_accept (new=0x7f9e0a9c1da0,
sock=0x1cb3658, connection_context=0x7f9df40013c8)
at network_io/unix/sockets.c:191
#2 0x00007f9e12f61262 in msrp_listener (thread=0x1cb38b0,
obj=0x7f9e13475378 <globals+120>) at src/switch_msrp.c:1381
#3 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cb38b0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a9c2700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 7 (Thread 0x7f9e0a984700 (LWP 1713)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9c8d in accept () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e13182f96 in apr_socket_accept (new=0x7f9e0a983da0,
sock=0x1cb3208, connection_context=0x7f9df8000aa8)
at network_io/unix/sockets.c:191
#2 0x00007f9e12f61262 in msrp_listener (thread=0x1cb3560,
obj=0x7f9e13475358 <globals+88>) at src/switch_msrp.c:1381
#3 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cb3560)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a984700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 6 (Thread 0x7f9e0aa3c700 (LWP 1710)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0417c860) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0417c860) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e0aa3bd68) at src/switch_event.c:386
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131a140f "src/switch_core.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131a3a1a <__func__.42059> "send_heartbeat",
line=line at entry=109, event=event at entry=0x7f9e0aa3bd68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
#6 0x00007f9e12e9a897 in send_heartbeat () at src/switch_core.c:109
#7 heartbeat_callback (task=0x1cafb00) at src/switch_core.c:211
#8 0x00007f9e12ed866b in switch_scheduler_execute (tp=0x1cafb00)
at src/switch_scheduler.c:63
#9 0x00007f9e12ed8af3 in task_thread_loop (done=done at entry=0)
at src/switch_scheduler.c:129
#10 0x00007f9e12ed8b67 in switch_scheduler_task_thread (
thread=<optimized out>, obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_scheduler.c:185
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0ac255d8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0aa3c700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 5 (Thread 0x7f9e0ac62700 (LWP 1709)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
#3 0x00007f9e12e84aed in switch_core_sql_db_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:1395
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5750)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0ac62700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f9e0b13d700 (LWP 1708)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e12e7ee3e in switch_user_sql_thread (thread=0x1ca1764,
obj=0x1ca15a0) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:2135
#2 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0ad266c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#3 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0b13d700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#4 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f9e0bdf2700 (LWP 1706)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=0x7f9e0bf1afc8,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0bdf1e40) at misc/apr_queue.c:276
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b325 in switch_queue_pop (queue=<optimized out>,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0bdf1e40) at src/switch_apr.c:1167
#4 0x00007f9e12f47700 in log_thread (t=<optimized out>, obj=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_log.c:307
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb55a8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0bdf2700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f9e0be6a700 (LWP 1698)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e03003bc0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9e03003bc0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9e0be69e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9e0be69e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bf1ad40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0be6a700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f9e13b0f700 (LWP 1697)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
#3 0x00007f9e12e77075 in pool_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_core_memory.c:569
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e13b71c40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e13b0f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
Thread 61 (Thread 0x7f9e13bd77c0 (LWP 1696)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 822278}
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
No locals.
#3 0x00007f9e12e989d2 in switch_core_runtime_loop (bg=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core.c:1197
No locals.
#4 0x0000000000402e24 in main (argc=6, argv=0x7ffe23c58368)
at src/switch.c:1208
pid_path = "/usr/local/freeswitch/run/freeswitch.pid", '\000' <repeats 4055 times>
pid_buffer = "1696", '\000' <repeats 27 times>
old_pid_buffer = '\000' <repeats 31 times>
pid_len = 4
old_pid_len = 0
err = 0x7f9e131b099e "Success"
fds = {0, 0}
pid = 600127920
x = 323290048
opts = 0xfffffffffffffdfe <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xfffffffffffffdfe>
opts_str = '\000' <repeats 1023 times>
local_argv = {0x7ffe23c58f08 "/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch",
0x7ffe23c58f2d "-u", 0x7ffe23c58f30 "freeswitch",
0x7ffe23c58f3b "-g", 0x7ffe23c58f3e "freeswitch",
0x7ffe23c58f49 "-nc", 0x0 <repeats 1018 times>}
arg_argv = {0x0 <repeats 128 times>}
ret = -514
destroy_status = 600127216
fd = 0x1b5a5a0
pool = 0x1b5a528
Thread 60 (Thread 0x7f9d97767700 (LWP 15982)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d44072bb0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d44072bb0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97765c68) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d44072bb0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97765c68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d97765c20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
api = <optimized out>
arg_used = 0x7f9d4403edc0 "registrations"
cmd_used = 0x7f9d440212d0 "show"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_api_execute"
__func__ = "switch_api_execute"
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9d440013f0 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d97765c20) at src/switch_console.c:393
alias = 0x7f9d440013f0 "show"
argv = {0x7f9d440013f0 "show", 0x0 <repeats 111 times>,
0x41 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x41>,
0x430 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x430>,
0x10 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x10>,
0x40 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x40>,
0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
0x5d <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x5d>, 0x0, 0x0,
0x770000006e <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x770000006e>,
0x0, 0x7c <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7c>, 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9d44000020 "",
0x400 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x400>, 0x0}
status = 1140855792
__func__ = "switch_console_execute"
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d977665a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
stream = {read_function = 0x0,
write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bc10 <switch_console_stream_write>,
raw_write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bb70 <switch_console_stream_raw_write>, data = 0x7f9d440700e0, end = 0x7f9d440700ea, data_size = 1024, data_len = 10,
alloc_len = 1024, alloc_chunk = 1024, param_event = 0x0}
__func__ = "api_exec"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "api_exec"
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d9800f6f8,
event=0x7f9d97766808, reply=0x7f9d97766830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
acs = {api_cmd = 0x7f9d440093c4 "show registrations", arg = 0x0,
listener = 0x7f9d9800f6f8, uuid_str = '\000' <repeats 256 times>,
bg = 0, ack = 1, console_execute = 1, pool = 0x0}
api_cmd = 0x7f9d440093c4 "show registrations"
status = 2550200056
cmd = 0x7f9d440093c4 "show registrations"
unload_cheat = "api bgapi unload mod_event_socket"
reload_cheat = "api bgapi reload mod_event_socket"
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d9800f6f8)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
buf = '\000' <repeats 1023 times>
len = 1024
event = 0x0
reply = "\000OK accepted", '\000' <repeats 499 times>
session = 0x0
channel = 0x80
revent = 0x7f9d44001720
var = 0x7f9d97766808 " \027"
locked = -1753847248
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "listener_run"
__func__ = "listener_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d98635b08)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9d98635b08
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97767700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97767700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314827716352,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313162107056, 18, 140314827716352,
-2146945951043522785, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 59 (Thread 0x7f9d96de7700 (LWP 15856)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cdc136e50) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cdc136e50) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d96de5c68) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9cdc136e50
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d96de5c68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d96de5c20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
api = <optimized out>
arg_used = 0x7f9cdc174510 "registrations"
cmd_used = 0x7f9cdc00d130 "show"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_api_execute"
__func__ = "switch_api_execute"
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9cdc16f670 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d96de5c20) at src/switch_console.c:393
alias = 0x7f9cdc16f670 "show"
argv = {0x7f9cdc16f670 "show", 0x7f9e11af81a9 <fmt+11> "", 0x0,
0x7f9e119dbf69 <_IO_vfprintf_internal+15785> "H\213\225`\373\377\377\213\215X\373\377\377L\213\215\070\373\377\377H\211\326L)\356E1\355H9\360\017\205\304\310\377\377\276\377\377\377\177)\316Hc\366H9\360\017\217\035\371\377\377\001��:", 0x0, 0x0, 0x7f9d96de5950 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9e119dd99a <_IO_vfprintf_internal+22490> "\200\275(\373\377\377", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0xffffffffffffffff <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffffffffffff>, 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>,
0xa <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xa>,
0x20 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x20>, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9d96de5d87 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x300000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x300000000>,
0xffffffffffffffff <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffffffffffff>,
0x7f9e119dd99a <_IO_vfprintf_internal+22490> "\200\275(\373\377\377",
0x7f9e119dd99a <_IO_vfprintf_internal+22490> "\200\275(\373\377\377", 0x0, 0x7f9e11af819e <fmt> "%u.%u.%u.%u",
0x7300000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7300000000>,
0x9 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x9>,
0x7f9e11af81a9 <fmt+11> "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x3000000010 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3000000010>,
0x7f9d96de5fd0 "", 0x7f9d96de5f10 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9d96de5fc0 "", 0x7f9d96de5fb0 "", 0x7f9e131bd6d9 "</%s>\n",
0x7f9e131bd6dd ">\n", 0x0,
0x7f9e119dbf69 <_IO_vfprintf_internal+15785> "H\213\225`\373\377\377\213\215X\373\377\377L\213\215\070\373\377\377H\211\326L)\356E1\355H9\360\017\205\304\310\377\377\276\377\377\377\177)\316Hc\366H9\360\017\217\035\371\377\377\001��:", 0x0, 0x0, 0x7f9d96de5b40 "0\\��\235\177", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9d96de5b10 "`\\��\235\177", 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9e11a0829e <__GI__IO_default_xsputn+174> "I\211D$(\353\267\017\037", 0x7f9d96de6050 "w\201", 0x7f9d96de6040 "\304]\357\t\236\177",
0x7f9e131bd6d9 "</%s>\n", 0x7f9e131bd6dd ">\n", 0x0,
0x7f9e119dbf69 <_IO_vfprintf_internal+15785> "H\213\225`\373\377\377\213\215X\373\377\377L\213\215\070\373\377\377H\211\326L)\356E1\355H9\360\017\205\304\310\377\377\276\377\377\377\177)\316Hc\366H9\360\017\217\035\371\377\377\001��:", 0x0, 0x0, 0x7f9d96de5bd0 "\bh��\235\177", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0xffffffff <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffff>,
0x7f9d96de60c0 "\210\201", 0x7f9d96de60b0 "", 0x7f9e13193e3f "%ld",
0x7f9e13193e42 "", 0x0,
0x7f9e119dbf69 <_IO_vfprintf_internal+15785> "H\213\225`\373\377\377\213\215X\373\377\377L\213\215\070\373\377\377H\211\326L)\356E1\355H9\360\017\205\304\310\377\377\276\377\377\377\177)\316Hc\366H9\360\017\217\035\371\377\377\001��:", 0x7f9e131bd6d9 "</%s>\n", 0x7f9e131bd6dd ">\n", 0x7f9d96de5c40 "j\201",
0x7f9e119dbf69 <_IO_vfprintf_internal+15785> "H\213\225`\373\377\377\213\215X\373\377\377L\213\215\070\373\377\377H\211\326L)\356E1\355H9\360\017\205\304\310\377\377\276\377\377\377\177)\316Hc\366H9\360\017\217\035\371\377\377\001��:", 0x0, 0x0, 0x7f9d96de5c60 "", 0x0,
0x7f9e119dd99a <_IO_vfprintf_internal+22490> "\200\275(\373\377\377", 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffff <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffff>,
0x7f9d96de5c30 "p\273\346\022\236\177", 0x0,
0x41 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x41>,
0x430 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x430>,
0x10 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x10>,
0xffffffff00000040 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffff00000040>, 0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
0x5d <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x5d>, 0x0, 0x0,
0x770000006e <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x770000006e>,
0x0, 0x7f9d0000007c "\235\177", 0x0, 0x7f9d00000000 " ",
0x7f9cdc000020 "",
0x400 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x400>, 0x0}
status = 3692492400
__func__ = "switch_console_execute"
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d96de65a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
stream = {read_function = 0x0,
write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bc10 <switch_console_stream_write>,
raw_write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bb70 <switch_console_stream_raw_write>, data = 0x7f9cdc008160, end = 0x7f9cdc00816a, data_size = 1024, data_len = 10,
alloc_len = 1024, alloc_chunk = 1024, param_event = 0x0}
__func__ = "api_exec"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "api_exec"
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d9800b458,
event=0x7f9d96de6808, reply=0x7f9d96de6830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
acs = {api_cmd = 0x7f9cdc000b04 "show registrations", arg = 0x0,
listener = 0x7f9d9800b458, uuid_str = '\000' <repeats 256 times>,
bg = 0, ack = 1, console_execute = 1, pool = 0x0}
api_cmd = 0x7f9cdc000b04 "show registrations"
status = 2550183000
cmd = 0x7f9cdc000b04 "show registrations"
unload_cheat = "api bgapi unload mod_event_socket"
reload_cheat = "api bgapi reload mod_event_socket"
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d9800b458)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
buf = '\000' <repeats 1023 times>
len = 1024
event = 0x0
reply = "\000OK accepted", '\000' <repeats 499 times>
session = 0x0
channel = 0x80
revent = 0x7f9cdc174aa0
var = 0x7f9d96de6808 "\240J\027��\177"
locked = -1763808720
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "listener_run"
__func__ = "listener_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d984adae8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9d984adae8
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d96de7700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d96de7700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314817754880,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140310341094256, 18, 140314817754880,
-2146942308911255777, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 58 (Thread 0x7f9d96f59700 (LWP 15739)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca80061f0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca80061f0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d96f57c68) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9ca80061f0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d96f57c68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d96f57c20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
api = <optimized out>
arg_used = 0x7f9ca808de80 "registrations"
cmd_used = 0x7f9ca8019c00 "show"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_api_execute"
__func__ = "switch_api_execute"
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9ca8075020 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d96f57c20) at src/switch_console.c:393
alias = 0x7f9ca8075020 "show"
argv = {0x7f9ca8075020 "show", 0x0 <repeats 91 times>,
0x7f9d96f580c0 "h\323\b\250\234\177", 0x7f9d96f580b0 "",
0x7f9e13193e3f "%ld", 0x7f9e13193e42 "", 0x0,
0x7f9e119dbf69 <_IO_vfprintf_internal+15785> "H\213\225`\373\377\377\213\215X\373\377\377L\213\215\070\373\377\377H\211\326L)\356E1\355H9\360\017\205\304\310\377\377\276\377\377\377\177)\316Hc\366H9\360\017\217\035\371\377\377\001��:", 0x0, 0x0, 0x7f9d96f57c40 "\032L\a\250\234\177", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9e119dd99a <_IO_vfprintf_internal+22490> "\200\275(\373\377\377", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x41>,
0x430 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x430>,
0x10 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x10>,
0xffffffff00000040 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffff00000040>, 0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
0x5d <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x5d>, 0x0, 0x0,
0x770000006e <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x770000006e>,
0x0, 0x7f9d0000007c "\235\177", 0x0, 0x0, 0x7f9ca8000020 "",
0x400 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x400>, 0x0}
status = 2819051552
__func__ = "switch_console_execute"
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d96f585a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
stream = {read_function = 0x0,
write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bc10 <switch_console_stream_write>,
raw_write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bb70 <switch_console_stream_raw_write>, data = 0x7f9ca8074c10, end = 0x7f9ca8074c1a, data_size = 1024, data_len = 10,
alloc_len = 1024, alloc_chunk = 1024, param_event = 0x0}
__func__ = "api_exec"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "api_exec"
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d98005358,
event=0x7f9d96f58808, reply=0x7f9d96f58830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
acs = {api_cmd = 0x7f9ca8096ac4 "show registrations", arg = 0x0,
listener = 0x7f9d98005358, uuid_str = '\000' <repeats 256 times>,
bg = 0, ack = 1, console_execute = 1, pool = 0x0}
api_cmd = 0x7f9ca8096ac4 "show registrations"
status = 2550158168
cmd = 0x7f9ca8096ac4 "show registrations"
unload_cheat = "api bgapi unload mod_event_socket"
reload_cheat = "api bgapi reload mod_event_socket"
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d98005358)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
buf = '\000' <repeats 1023 times>
len = 1024
event = 0x0
reply = "\000OK accepted", '\000' <repeats 499 times>
session = 0x0
channel = 0x80
revent = 0x7f9ca80015c0
var = 0x7f9d96f58808 "\300\025"
locked = -1762293200
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "listener_run"
__func__ = "listener_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d98325ac8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9d98325ac8
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d96f59700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d96f59700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314819270400,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313564991552, 18, 140314819270400,
-2146942621370126561, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 57 (Thread 0x7f9d97d71700 (LWP 15620)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d3c008840) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d3c008840) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97d6fc68) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d3c008840
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131ac244 "src/switch_loadable_module.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131ad6b0 <__func__.19722> "switch_api_execute",
line=line at entry=2577, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97d6fc68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12ee14ba in switch_api_execute (cmd=<optimized out>,
arg=<optimized out>, session=<optimized out>, stream=0x7f9d97d6fc20)
at src/switch_loadable_module.c:2577
api = <optimized out>
arg_used = 0x7f9d3c024520 "registrations"
cmd_used = 0x7f9d3c0234f0 "show"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_api_execute"
__func__ = "switch_api_execute"
#7 0x00007f9e12e6c5a0 in switch_console_execute (xcmd=0x7f9d3c023e10 "show",
rec=0, istream=0x7f9d97d6fc20) at src/switch_console.c:393
alias = 0x7f9d3c023e10 "show"
argv = {0x7f9d3c023e10 "show", 0x0 <repeats 111 times>,
0x41 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x41>,
0x430 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x430>,
0x10 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x10>,
0x40 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x40>,
0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
0x5d <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x5d>, 0x0, 0x0,
0x770000006e <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x770000006e>,
0x0, 0x7c <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7c>, 0x0, 0x0,
0x7f9d3c000020 "",
0x400 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x400>, 0x0}
status = 1006779920
__func__ = "switch_console_execute"
#8 0x00007f9e09eef1a5 in api_exec (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d97d705a0)
at mod_event_socket.c:1536
stream = {read_function = 0x0,
write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bc10 <switch_console_stream_write>,
raw_write_function = 0x7f9e12e6bb70 <switch_console_stream_raw_write>, data = 0x7f9d3c07dd30, end = 0x7f9d3c07dd3a, data_size = 1024, data_len = 10,
alloc_len = 1024, alloc_chunk = 1024, param_event = 0x0}
__func__ = "api_exec"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "api_exec"
#9 0x00007f9e09ef3654 in parse_command (listener=0x7f9d98007368,
event=0x7f9d97d70808, reply=0x7f9d97d70830 "", reply_len=<optimized out>)
at mod_event_socket.c:2315
acs = {api_cmd = 0x7f9d3c023584 "show registrations", arg = 0x0,
listener = 0x7f9d98007368, uuid_str = '\000' <repeats 256 times>,
bg = 0, ack = 1, console_execute = 1, pool = 0x0}
api_cmd = 0x7f9d3c023584 "show registrations"
status = 2550166376
cmd = 0x7f9d3c023584 "show registrations"
unload_cheat = "api bgapi unload mod_event_socket"
reload_cheat = "api bgapi reload mod_event_socket"
#10 0x00007f9e09ef48d6 in listener_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x7f9d98007368)
at mod_event_socket.c:2749
buf = '\000' <repeats 1023 times>
len = 1024
event = 0x0
reply = "\000OK accepted", '\000' <repeats 499 times>
session = 0x0
channel = 0x80
revent = 0x7f9d3c00dd00
var = 0x7f9d97d70808 ""
locked = -1747514832
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "listener_run"
__func__ = "listener_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9d9819daa8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9d9819daa8
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97d71700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97d71700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314834048768,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313964519504, 18, 140314834048768,
-2146944566990311649, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 56 (Thread 0x7f9d97af3700 (LWP 15584)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ce405f370) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ce405f370) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97af19b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9ce405f370
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97af19b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de4194650,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0016970, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d97af25c0 "f5109994-ae55-4dd1-9dcf-360c47aff164", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97af2560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97af2de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9ce40852b0 "marianella.arevalo"
realm = 0x7f9ce4085330 "rcc.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de484f270
sql = 0x0
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de42f6f7e "rcc.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"\" <sip:marianella.arevalo at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Amarianella.arevalo%40173.209.128.222%3A11416>", '\000' <repeats 912 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 3600
event = 0x6972616d3a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 64 times>
network_port_c = "11416"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 64 times>
network_port = 11416
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de42f6fae "082fb98b2977633c9437c936391b798e"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9ce4040290
r = 0
reg_count = 378
agent = 0x7f9de42f7071 "PolycomVVX-VVX_501-UA/"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590232608
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x0
sw_reg_host = 0x0
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x15, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de47857b8, de=0x7f9df0016970, tags=0x7f9de42f0b90)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "f5109994-ae55-4dd1-9dcf-360c47aff164", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9ce4094a80
network_ip = "\000 ", '\000' <repeats 31 times>, "w*\257\227\235\177", '\000' <repeats 25 times>
network_port = 11416
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x15 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x15>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de47857b8, de=0x7f9df0016970, tags=0x7f9de42f0b90) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97af2e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97af2e30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df0016970
nh = 0x7f9de4194650
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df0016970
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5950)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cf5950
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97af3700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97af3700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314831435520,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313965732224, 18, 140314831435520,
-2146944084880232673, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 55 (Thread 0x7f9d97545700 (LWP 15583)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cfc032630) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cfc032630) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d975439b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9cfc032630
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d975439b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de42fd030,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df005d890, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d975445c0 "b2e25344-b451-4a16-82ad-1e17c2c614ba", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97544560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97544de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9cfc278b90 "droe"
realm = 0x7f9cfc0fdf00 "teclab.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de40efdb0
sql = 0x0
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de4162fa3 "teclab.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"\" <sip:droe at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Adroe%4070.25.65.233%3A1085>", '\000' <repeats 945 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 3600
event = 0x656f72643a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 67 times>
network_port_c = "1085\000"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 67 times>
network_port = 1085
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de4162fd6 "3791a2cc-7e860149-6abdeee at"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9cfc252010
r = 0
reg_count = 339
agent = 0x7f9de4163090 "PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_335-UA/"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590232608
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x0
sw_reg_host = 0x0
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x16, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de45f1998, de=0x7f9df005d890, tags=0x7f9de4ac1150)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "b2e25344-b451-4a16-82ad-1e17c2c614ba", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9cfc272b90
network_ip = "\000\000\000\000 ", '\000' <repeats 31 times>, "wJT\227\235\177", '\000' <repeats 25 times>
network_port = 1085
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x16 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x16>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de45f1998, de=0x7f9df005d890, tags=0x7f9de4ac1150) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97544e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97544e30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df005d890
nh = 0x7f9de42fd030
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df005d890
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf58b8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cf58b8
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97545700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97545700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314825479936,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313495812208, 18, 140314825479936,
-2146945660059488481, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 54 (Thread 0x7f9d97451700 (LWP 15579)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca4009640) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca4009640) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97450c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9ca4009640
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97450c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df026a350, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df026c278)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d97450e38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2537885240
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df026c278) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df026c278
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df02921e0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df02911d8
pop = 0x7f9df02911d8
check_status = 4029223384
pool = 0x7f9df0291f88
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df02921e0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df02921e0
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97451700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97451700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314824480512,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140311684101296, 18, 140314824480512,
-2146945511883116769, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 53 (Thread 0x7f9d97415700 (LWP 15561)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d1804d770) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d1804d770) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97414c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d1804d770
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97414c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df023a290, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df023c1b8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d97414e38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2537639480
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df023c1b8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df023c1b8
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0262100, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df02610f8
pop = 0x7f9df02610f8
check_status = 4029026552
pool = 0x7f9df0261ea8
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0262100)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df0262100
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97415700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97415700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314824234752,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140311684103232, 18, 140314824234752,
-2146945548390338785, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 52 (Thread 0x7f9d97b6b700 (LWP 15556)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c5c0471f0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c5c0471f0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97b699b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9c5c0471f0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97b699b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de4a7dbe0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df019d590, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d97b6a5c0 "e32485e9-6f36-4572-930f-5bc5b480ca5c", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97b6a560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97b6ade0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9c5c091960 "b.celtek"
realm = 0x7f9c5c08edf0 "zgemi.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de4200ee0
sql = 0x0
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de4286637 "zgemi.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"\" <sip:b.celtek at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Ab.celtek%4076.68.58.195%3A9752>", '\000' <repeats 936 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 3600
event = 0x65632e623a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 67 times>
network_port_c = "9752\000"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 36 times>, "\300\240\266\227\235\177\000\000\260\240\266\227\235\177\000\000?>\031\023\236\177\000\000B>\031\023\236\177\000"
network_port = 9752
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de428666a "d3cc2bb73eb6c1f5040cd9b4a2070d74"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9c5c08e750
r = 0
reg_count = 2328
agent = 0x7f9de4286723 "PolycomVVX-VVX_311-UA/"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590232393
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x0
sw_reg_host = 0x0
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x12, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de4b50728, de=0x7f9df019d590, tags=0x7f9de41e79d0)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "e32485e9-6f36-4572-930f-5bc5b480ca5c", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9c5c079430
network_ip = "\000\000\000\000 `\a\\\234\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\234\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\236\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\236\177\000\000w\252\266\227\235\177", '\000' <repeats 14 times>, "\235\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
network_port = 9752
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x12 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x12>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de4b50728, de=0x7f9df019d590, tags=0x7f9de41e79d0) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97b6ae38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97b6ae30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df019d590
nh = 0x7f9de4a7dbe0
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df019d590
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5820)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cf5820
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97b6b700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97b6b700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314831927040,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313965268544, 18, 140314831927040,
-2146944295333630177, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 51 (Thread 0x7f9d97049700 (LWP 15555)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cec230980) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cec230980) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d970479b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9cec230980
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d970479b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de426fcf0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0062110, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d970485c0 "86584e41-a4ba-41e7-a84e-55eaeb64c7ad", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97048560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97048de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9cec22eec0 "one.call"
realm = 0x7f9cec22ed30 "ocs.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de4300340
sql = 0x0
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de473ba8f "ocs.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"\" <sip:one.call at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Aone.call%4099.235.216.168%3A5060>", '\000' <repeats 935 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 3600
event = 0x2e656e6f3a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 65 times>
network_port_c = "5060\000"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 34 times>, "\300\200\004\227\235\177\000\000\260\200\004\227\235\177\000\000?>\031\023\236\177\000\000B>\031\023\236\177\000"
network_port = 5060
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de473bac0 "cc5ec785b5ab6d5d5b437e0eed23bb01"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9cec236600
r = 0
reg_count = 2328
agent = 0x7f9de473bb78 "PolycomVVX-VVX_311-UA/"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590232393
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x0
sw_reg_host = 0x0
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x11, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de461b198, de=0x7f9df0062110, tags=0x7f9de4444ef0)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "86584e41-a4ba-41e7-a84e-55eaeb64c7ad", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9cec230bb0
network_ip = "\000\000 \237#\354\234\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\234\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\236\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\236\177\000\000w\212\004\227\235\177", '\000' <repeats 14 times>, "\235\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
network_port = 5060
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x11 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x11>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de461b198, de=0x7f9df0062110, tags=0x7f9de4444ef0) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97048e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97048e30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df0062110
nh = 0x7f9de426fcf0
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df0062110
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5788)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cf5788
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97049700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97049700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314820253440,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313564419856, 18, 140314820253440,
-2146944966422270177, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 50 (Thread 0x7f9d97177700 (LWP 15554)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c9c2559d0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c9c2559d0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97176c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9c9c2559d0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97176c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df017d0b0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df017efd8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d97176e38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2534895160
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df017efd8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df017efd8
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0190eb0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df0219978
pop = 0x7f9df0219978
check_status = 4028733816
pool = 0x7f9df0190c58
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0190eb0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df0190eb0
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97177700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97177700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314821490432,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313563844400, 18, 140314821490432,
-2146945117819867361, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 49 (Thread 0x7f9d977df700 (LWP 15553)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d24107f10) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d24107f10) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d977dec48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d24107f10
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d977dec48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df014cfe0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df014ef08)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d977dee38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2541612600
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df014ef08) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df014ef08
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0174df0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df0173de8
pop = 0x7f9df0173de8
check_status = 4028055016
pool = 0x7f9df0174b98
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0174df0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df0174df0
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d977df700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d977df700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314828207872,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313161823216, 18, 140314828207872,
-2146945852259274977, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 48 (Thread 0x7f9d978d1700 (LWP 15550)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cd007cd70) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cd007cd70) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d978d0c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9cd007cd70
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d978d0c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df01bdaf0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df01bfa18)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d978d0e38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2542603832
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df01bfa18) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df01bfa18
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0135350, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df0134488
pop = 0x7f9df0134488
check_status = 4027794568
pool = 0x7f9df01350f8
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0135350)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df0135350
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d978d1700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d978d1700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314829199104,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313161425872, 18, 140314829199104,
-2146943793896198369, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 47 (Thread 0x7f9e0be2e700 (LWP 15549)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca0074080) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ca0074080) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e0be2dc48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9ca0074080
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9e0be2dc48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df00a9a30, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df00ab958)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9e0be2de38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 199417400
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df00ab958) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df00ab958
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df01b5c20, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df01b4c58
pop = 0x7f9df01b4c58
check_status = 4028320856
pool = 0x7f9df01b59c8
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df01b5c20)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df01b5c20
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0be2e700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0be2e700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316780979968,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313897760304, 18, 140316780979968,
-2147164647020138721, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 46 (Thread 0x7f9d970fd700 (LWP 15548)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7c000ff0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7c000ff0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d970fcc48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9c7c000ff0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d970fcc48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df00f6fc0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df00f8ee8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d970fce38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2534395448
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df00f8ee8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df00f8ee8
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df00a44f0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df00a3ac8
pop = 0x7f9df00a3ac8
check_status = 4027202248
pool = 0x7f9df00a4298
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df00a44f0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df00a44f0
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d970fd700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d970fd700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314820990720,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313564136576, 18, 140314820990720,
-2146944908440211681, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 45 (Thread 0x7f9d97a3f700 (LWP 15547)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cc4009ab0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9cc4009ab0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97a3ec48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9cc4009ab0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97a3ec48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df0075db0, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df01e7648)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d97a3ee38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2544102968
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df01e7648) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df01e7648
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df01f8eb0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df00f36f8
pop = 0x7f9df00f36f8
check_status = 4027528952
pool = 0x7f9df01f8c58
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df01f8eb0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df01f8eb0
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97a3f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97a3f700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314830698240,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313965831472, 18, 140314830698240,
-2146944185811964129, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 44 (Thread 0x7f9d97a7b700 (LWP 15546)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7400b3b0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c7400b3b0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97a7ac48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9c7400b3b0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97a7ac48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df0053a30, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df0064ef8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d97a7ae38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2544348728
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df0064ef8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df0064ef8
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df0070170, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df01e6e78
pop = 0x7f9df01e6e78
check_status = 4028526200
pool = 0x7f9df006ff18
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df0070170)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df0070170
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97a7b700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97a7b700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314830944000,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313965743056, 18, 140314830944000,
-2146944149304742113, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 43 (Thread 0x7f9d97ab7700 (LWP 15543)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d2c040980) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d2c040980) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97ab6c48) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d2c040980
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131942ea "src/switch_channel.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e13196700 <__func__.19543> "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state", line=line at entry=2304, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97ab6c48,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e64e20 in switch_channel_perform_set_running_state (
channel=0x7f9df0038490, state=CS_NEW,
file=0x7f9e131a04b0 "src/switch_core_state_machine.c",
func=0x7f9e131a0d20 <__func__.26965> "switch_core_session_run", line=584)
at src/switch_channel.c:2304
event = 0x0
x = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_channel_perform_set_running_state"
#7 0x00007f9e12e8fe50 in switch_core_session_run (session=0x7f9df003a3b8)
at src/switch_core_state_machine.c:584
ptr = 0x7f9d97ab6e38
midstate = CS_NEW
endstate = 2544594488
endpoint_interface = 0xfffffffffffffe00
driver_state_handler = 0x7f9e09ee6a80 <sofia_event_handlers>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_run"
__func__ = "switch_core_session_run"
#8 0x00007f9e12e8a64e in switch_core_session_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9df003a3b8) at src/switch_core_session.c:1709
session = 0x7f9df003a3b8
event = 0x4c4b40
event_str = 0x0
val = <optimized out>
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_core_session_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e12e8609d in switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker (
thread=0x7f9df00d5dc0, obj=0x80) at src/switch_core_session.c:1772
td = 0x7f9df00d5398
pop = 0x7f9df00d5398
check_status = 4027405208
pool = 0x7f9df00d5b68
__func__ = "switch_core_session_thread_pool_worker"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9df00d5dc0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9df00d5dc0
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97ab7700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97ab7700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314831189760,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313965550208, 18, 140314831189760,
-2146944121387454689, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 42 (Thread 0x7f9d97b2f700 (LWP 15539)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d300331e0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d300331e0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d97b2d9b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d300331e0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d97b2d9b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de47c66e0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0197c50, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d97b2e5c0 "c9d28c36-0c43-4812-99e5-964b5118ad7b", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d97b2e560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d97b2ede0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9d302a39f0 "board.room"
realm = 0x7f9d302a3a70 "soneil.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de4aa0360
sql = 0x7f9e1319bbc0 "Reuse Unused Cached DB handle %s [%s]\n"
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de469d3ea "soneil.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"\" <sip:board.room at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Aboard.room%40142.112.100.113%3A34924>", '\000' <repeats 928 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 3600
event = 0x72616f623a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "\000thread=\"140314831681280\"", '\000' <repeats 39 times>
network_port_c = "34924"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 64 times>
network_port = 34924
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de469d41e "1663ad47-22fd8c0a-be5463d9 at"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9d301bf020
r = 0
reg_count = 2410
agent = 0x7f9de469d4e1 "PolycomSoundStationIP-SSIP_7000-UA/"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590232163
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>
sw_reg_host = 0x7f9d97b2dee8 ""
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x8, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de46c2fb8, de=0x7f9df0197c50, tags=0x7f9de4a36af0)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "c9d28c36-0c43-4812-99e5-964b5118ad7b", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9d3002d900
network_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 64 times>
network_port = 34924
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x8 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x8>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de46c2fb8, de=0x7f9df0197c50, tags=0x7f9de4a36af0) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d97b2ee38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d97b2ee30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df0197c50
nh = 0x7f9de47c66e0
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df0197c50
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf56f0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cf56f0
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97b2f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97b2f700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314831681280,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313965448624, 18, 140314831681280,
-2146944331840852193, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 41 (Thread 0x7f9d976ef700 (LWP 15538)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d74034730) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d74034730) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d976ed9b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d74034730
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9d976ed9b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de495f4e0,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df0048340, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9d976ee5c0 "5bf12138-caa0-4864-b5b6-f6a6d2b02f87", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9d976ee560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9d976eede0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9d740a9800 "sales2.mis"
realm = 0x7f9d740921f0 "kgi.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de4640500
sql = 0x7f9d976edfc0 ""
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de45876e0 "kgi.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"Sales2 Mis\" <sip:sales2.mis at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Asales2.mis%4050.100.59.75%3A1027>", '\000' <repeats 917 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 120
event = 0x656c61733a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "\000\177\000\000P\340n\227\235\177\000\000@\340n\227\235\177\000\000\331\326\033\023\236\177\000\000\335\326\033\023\236\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000i\277\235\021\236\177", '\000' <repeats 17 times>
network_port_c = "1027\000"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 16 times>, "\235\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\377\377\377\235\177\000\000\300\340n\227\235\177\000\000\260\340n\227\235\177\000\000?>\031\023\236\177\000\000B>\031\067\071\061\063\064"
network_port = 1027
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de45876fc "0_3167825240 at"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9d740bce80
r = 0
reg_count = 4483
agent = 0x7f9de45878e5 "Yealink W60B"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590232163
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x1d <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1d>
sw_reg_host = 0x0
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de47a4ac8, de=0x7f9df0048340, tags=0x7f9de492b340)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "5bf12138-caa0-4864-b5b6-f6a6d2b02f87", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9d74022f60
network_ip = "\000\000\000\000 \345n\227\235\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\235\177", '\000' <repeats 14 times>, "\236\177\000\000w\352n\227\235\177", '\000' <repeats 14 times>, "ent-\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
network_port = 1027
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x7 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de47a4ac8, de=0x7f9df0048340, tags=0x7f9de492b340) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9d976eee38,
dep at entry=0x7f9d976eee30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df0048340
nh = 0x7f9de495f4e0
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df0048340
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf5658)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cf5658
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d976ef700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d976ef700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314827224832,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313162285504, 18, 140314827224832,
-2146945740590125281, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 40 (Thread 0x7f9d9700d700 (LWP 15741)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d284fafc0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d284fafc0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9d284fafc0
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d9700ce28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d9700ce20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9c444d7120
event = 0x7f9c444d7120
my_id = 7
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5ca8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb5ca8
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9700d700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d9700d700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314820007680,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313564699248, 18, 140314820007680,
-2146945002929492193, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 39 (Thread 0x7f9d9748d700 (LWP 8395)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d586759c0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d586759c0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9d586759c0
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d9748ce28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d9748ce20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9c406aa6a0
event = 0x7f9c406aa6a0
my_id = 6
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5c10)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb5c10
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9748d700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d9748d700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314824726272,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140311683162176, 18, 140314824726272,
-2146945483965829345, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 38 (Thread 0x7f9d96fd1700 (LWP 22209)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d009a65a0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d009a65a0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9d009a65a0
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d96fd0e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d96fd0e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9c421ff0b0
event = 0x7f9c421ff0b0
my_id = 5
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5b78)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb5b78
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d96fd1700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d96fd1700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314819761920,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313564988720, 18, 140314819761920,
-2146942556945617121, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 37 (Thread 0x7f9d977a3700 (LWP 5905)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c88cb4f50) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9c88cb4f50) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9c88cb4f50
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d977a2e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d977a2e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9c461c8040
event = 0x7f9c461c8040
my_id = 4
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5ae0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb5ae0
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d977a3700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d977a3700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314827962112,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313161821232, 18, 140314827962112,
-2146945914536300769, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 36 (Thread 0x7f9d97581700 (LWP 28621)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ce9179ad0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9ce9179ad0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9ce9179ad0
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d97580e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d97580e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9c444d9d70
event = 0x7f9c444d9d70
my_id = 3
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5a48)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb5a48
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d97581700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d97581700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314825725696,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313495716256, 18, 140314825725696,
-2146945623552266465, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 35 (Thread 0x7f9d970c1700 (LWP 19555)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d1c28c000) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9d1c28c000) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9d1c28c000
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d970c0e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d970c0e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9c444e0ed0
event = 0x7f9c444e0ed0
my_id = 2
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb59b0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb59b0
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d970c1700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d970c1700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314820744960,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313563845968, 18, 140314820744960,
-2146944901997760737, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 34 (Thread 0x7f9d975f9700 (LWP 910)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ccc8a58c0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9ccc8a58c0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9ccc8a58c0
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9d975f8e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9d975f8e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9c444e0bd0
event = 0x7f9c444e0bd0
my_id = 1
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5918)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb5918
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d975f9700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d975f9700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314826217216,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140313495711808, 18, 140314826217216,
-2146945593487495393, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 33 (Thread 0x7f9d9c0bb700 (LWP 1894)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=0x1cf4918, data=0x7f9d9c0bae18)
at misc/apr_queue.c:276
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e09b880cf in sofia_presence_event_thread_run (thread=0x1cf49b4,
obj=0x80) at sofia_presence.c:1624
pop = 0x7f9d280814b0
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cf55c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cf55c0
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9c0bb700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d9c0bb700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314904606464,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140314367052480, 18, 140314904606464,
-2146929546415935713, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 32 (Thread 0x7f9d9c137700 (LWP 1892)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d7e1ecb00) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9d7e1ecb00) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9d9c136e08) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9d7e1ecb00
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=<optimized out>, func=<optimized out>,
line=<optimized out>, event=0x7f9d9c136e08, user_data=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e082a7ea3 in actual_message_query_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4065
hp = 0x0
account = 0x7f9e0204bfe0 "sip:karen.whiteford at hib.
new_event = 0x0
total_new_messages = 0
total_saved_urgent_messages = 0
total_saved_messages = 0
total_new_urgent_messages = 0
#7 vm_event_thread_run (thread=0x1b8705c, obj=0x80) at mod_voicemail.c:4103
event = 0x7f9e004996f0
pop = 0x7f9e004996f0
#8 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d4c918)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1d4c918
#9 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9d9c137700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9d9c137700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140314905114368,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140314836820512, 18, 140314905114368,
-2146929759016816865, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#10 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 31 (Thread 0x7f9dc0054700 (LWP 1881)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1fa2800,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc0053e40) at misc/apr_queue.c:276
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b325 in switch_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1fa2800,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc0053e40) at src/switch_apr.c:1167
No locals.
#4 0x00007f9e12ee04ee in chat_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x1fa2800) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:738
pop = 0x0
q = 0x1fa2800
__func__ = "chat_thread_run"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1fae7f0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1fae7f0
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0054700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc0054700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315508164352,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316899148928,
140315508164352, -2147043916563189985, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 30 (Thread 0x7f9dc0090700 (LWP 1880)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1cc3f78,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc008fe40) at misc/apr_queue.c:276
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b325 in switch_queue_pop (queue=queue at entry=0x1cc3f78,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc008fe40) at src/switch_apr.c:1167
No locals.
#4 0x00007f9e12ee04ee in chat_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x1cc3f78) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:738
pop = 0x0
q = 0x1cc3f78
__func__ = "chat_thread_run"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1fa27d0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1fa27d0
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0090700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc0090700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315508410112,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316899148928,
140315508410112, -2147043888645902561, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 29 (Thread 0x7f9dc00cc700 (LWP 1879)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f53002 in softtimer_runtime () at src/switch_time.c:1167
exp = 1
current_ms = 3560
tfd = 52
spec = {it_interval = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 20000000}, it_value = {
tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 100000}}
__func__ = "softtimer_runtime"
#2 0x00007f9e12ed9df2 in switch_loadable_module_exec (thread=0x1cc3ef8,
obj=0x1cc3ad8) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:113
status = 4294966784
module = 0x1cc55d8
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_loadable_module_exec"
__func__ = "switch_loadable_module_exec"
#3 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cc3ef8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cc3ef8
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc00cc700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc00cc700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315508655872,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316899122624,
140315508655872, -2147043852138680545, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 28 (Thread 0x7f9dc030c700 (LWP 1878)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9c8d in accept () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e13182f96 in apr_socket_accept (new=0x7f9dc030bdf0,
sock=0x7f9d98000c18, connection_context=0x7f9d980136c8)
at network_io/unix/sockets.c:191
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e09ef07a2 in mod_event_socket_runtime ()
at mod_event_socket.c:2987
pool = 0x7f9d98000a68
listener_pool = 0x7f9d980136c8
sa = 0x7f9d98000b48
inbound_socket = 0x7f9d980137a8
listener = 0x7f9d9800f6f8
x = 3224419832
errs = 0
__func__ = "mod_event_socket_runtime"
#3 0x00007f9e12ed9df2 in switch_loadable_module_exec (thread=0x1cc3a40,
obj=0x1cc3520) at src/switch_loadable_module.c:113
status = 4294966784
module = 0x1cff068
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_loadable_module_exec"
__func__ = "switch_loadable_module_exec"
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cc3a40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cc3a40
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc030c700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc030c700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315511015168,
2094080250283978527, 0, 32836112, 18, 140315511015168,
-2147044367534756065, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 27 (Thread 0x7f9dc09b0700 (LWP 1875)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1e01cd0)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1e01cd0) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2f, obj=0x7f9dc09af470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9dc09af470
olen = 160
artist = 0x7f9dc09af36f "suite"
title = 0x7f9dc09af375 "espanola"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000suite\000suite\000espanola\000op-47-leyenda.wav", '\000' <repeats 64 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 3204726, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 984997762, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9da402dd28, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9da402dea8, handler = 0x0, pos = 984997762,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 1146880,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9da4031df0,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9da4061828 "\321\377\302\377\267\377\271\377\313\377\343\377\367\377\373\377\373\377\022", pre_buffer_datalen = 65536,
file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9da402de60 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/suite/suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0, max_samples = 0,
params = 0x0, cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0,
stream_name = 0x0, modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100,
channels = 1, keyint = 60, ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0,
cbr = 0, fps = 0, source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9da402de10, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav", '\000' <repeats 95 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/suite/suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav", '\000' <repeats 448 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/suite/suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav", '\000' <repeats 448 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/suite/art/suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 440 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/suite\000suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav", '\000' <repeats 448 times>
fd = 31463160
audio_buffer = 0x7f9da40008c0
temp_pool = 0x7f9da4023b78
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1e024a0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1e024a0
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc09b0700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc09b0700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315517978368,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140315519472016,
140315517978368, -2147042943753097441, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 26 (Thread 0x7f9dc09ec700 (LWP 1874)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1dfdcb0)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1dfdcb0) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2e, obj=0x7f9dc09eb470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9dc09eb470
olen = 160
artist = 0x7f9dc09eb36f "ponce"
title = 0x7f9dc09eb375 "preludio"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000ponce\000ponce\000preludio\000in-e-major.wav", '\000' <repeats 67 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 1169543, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 980732394, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9da002fe08, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9da002ff80, handler = 0x0, pos = 980732394,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 655360,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9da00407d0,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9da0050868 "\300\363\346\003m\005S\002m\001\070\365\341\363\v\001}\t\036\f#\t\211\375\322\362\224\364\360\370\363\370O\366\305\356\322\361\235\367\350\371i\r;\026\266\023\305\035Y\027\202\v\250\023*\032]\031\271\025 \005+\357~\353\272\365c\370X\371\261\370\371\361X\363\333\364\027\365\v\372\320\376H\006\273\002}\373\201\004\324\f\203\016\262\016\213\001\034\350\367\333t\345\005\360\363\373A\a,\001|\376&\006\227\b\224\r\243\025,\035\251\035\271\023%\r\263\n\031\r\310\024\223\r\336\364\002\341\361\335_\346\374\361\305\366\063\357\022\356\312\364-\362\324\367~\005\023\n\027\017<\r\006\001m\376e\006\244\rn\n\257\371\203\350]\335k\333(\354/", pre_buffer_datalen = 65536,
file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9da002ff40 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/ponce/ponce-preludio-in-e-major.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0, max_samples = 0,
params = 0x0, cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0,
stream_name = 0x0, modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100,
channels = 1, keyint = 60, ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0,
cbr = 0, fps = 0, source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9da002fef0, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "ponce-preludio-in-e-major.wav", '\000' <repeats 98 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/ponce/ponce-preludio-in-e-major.wav", '\000' <repeats 451 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/ponce/ponce-preludio-in-e-major.wav", '\000' <repeats 451 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/ponce/art/ponce-preludio-in-e-major.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 443 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/ponce\000ponce-preludio-in-e-major.wav", '\000' <repeats 451 times>
fd = 31446744
audio_buffer = 0x7f9da00008c0
temp_pool = 0x7f9da0021a98
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dfe480)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1dfe480
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc09ec700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc09ec700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315518224128,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140315519472016,
140315518224128, -2147042907245875425, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 25 (Thread 0x7f9dc0a28700 (LWP 1873)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1df9c90)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1df9c90) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x30, obj=0x7f9dc0a27470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9dc0a27470
olen = 160
artist = 0x7f9dc0a27371 "partita"
title = 0x7f9dc0a27379 "no"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000partita\000partita\000no\000\063-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav", '\000' <repeats 47 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 2103542, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 983664834, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9dac02dd28, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9dac02deb8, handler = 0x0, pos = 983664834,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 1310720,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9dac040800,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9dac0618a8 "C\002\254\377\336\375\224\374\246\372\204\370\270\367\357\370 \373\366\374\006\377\234\001C\003A\004\033\006\300\a\200\a\032\006\205\004X\002\241\377\231\375n\374\350\372\027\371D\370\067\371$\373\232\374(\376\210", pre_buffer_datalen = 65536,
file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9dac02de60 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/partita/partita-no-3-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0,
max_samples = 0, params = 0x0, cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0,
stream_name = 0x0, modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100,
channels = 1, keyint = 60, ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0,
cbr = 0, fps = 0, source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9dac02de10, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "partita-no-3-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav", '\000' <repeats 80 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/partita/partita-no-3-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav", '\000' <repeats 431 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/partita/partita-no-3-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav", '\000' <repeats 431 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/partita/art/partita-no-3-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 423 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/partita\000partita-no-3-in-e-major-bwv-1006-1-preludio.wav", '\000' <repeats 431 times>
fd = 31430328
audio_buffer = 0x7f9dac0008c0
temp_pool = 0x7f9dac023b78
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dfa470)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1dfa470
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0a28700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc0a28700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315518469888,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140315519472016,
140315518469888, -2147043154206494945, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 24 (Thread 0x7f9dc0a64700 (LWP 1872)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1df5c70)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1df5c70) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2a, obj=0x7f9dc0a63470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9dc0a63470
olen = 160
artist = 0x7f9dc0a6336f "danza"
title = 0x7f9dc0a63375 "espanola"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000danza\000danza\000espanola\000op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav", '\000' <repeats 53 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 3052403, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 984872614, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9da802fe08, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9da802ff90, handler = 0x0, pos = 984872614,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 1998848,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9da8031df0,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9da8050828 "\305\377\316\377\324\377\332\377\337\377\340\377\335\377\331\377\325\377\317\377\313\377\312\377\311\377\311\377\313\377\317\377\326\377\335\377\342\377\347\377\351\377\355\377\362\377\363\377\363\377\364\377\365\377\371\377", pre_buffer_datalen = 65536,
file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9da802ff40 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/danza/danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0,
max_samples = 0, params = 0x0, cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0,
stream_name = 0x0, modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100,
channels = 1, keyint = 60, ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0,
cbr = 0, fps = 0, source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9da802fef0, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav", '\000' <repeats 84 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/danza/danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav", '\000' <repeats 437 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/danza/danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav", '\000' <repeats 437 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/danza/art/danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 429 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/danza\000danza-espanola-op-37-h-142-xii-arabesca.wav", '\000' <repeats 437 times>
fd = 31413912
audio_buffer = 0x7f9da80008c0
temp_pool = 0x7f9da8021a98
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1df6440)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1df6440
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0a64700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc0a64700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315518715648,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140315519472016,
140315518715648, -2147043117699272929, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 23 (Thread 0x7f9dc0aa0700 (LWP 1871)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1df1c50)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1df1c50) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x2b, obj=0x7f9dc0a9f470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9dc0a9f470
olen = 160
artist = 0x7f9dc0a9f374 "macroform"
title = 0x7f9dc0a9f37e "the_simplicity.wav"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000simplicity\000macroform\000the_simplicity.wav", '\000' <repeats 63 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 2232088, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 983920960, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9db402fe08, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9db402ff88, handler = 0x0, pos = 983920960,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 1802240,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9db4031df0,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9db4050818 "\306\374\362\373C\373\215\373[\374\070\375\354\375}\376\227\377\355\377\024\001\233\001/", <incomplete sequence \311>, pre_buffer_datalen = 65536, file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9db402ff40 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/simplicity/macroform-the_simplicity.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0, max_samples = 0,
params = 0x0, cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0,
stream_name = 0x0, modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100,
channels = 1, keyint = 60, ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0,
cbr = 0, fps = 0, source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9db402fef0, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "macroform-the_simplicity.wav", '\000' <repeats 99 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/simplicity/macroform-the_simplicity.wav", '\000' <repeats 447 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/simplicity/macroform-the_simplicity.wav", '\000' <repeats 447 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/simplicity/art/macroform-the_simplicity.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 439 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/simplicity\000macroform-the_simplicity.wav", '\000' <repeats 447 times>
fd = 31397496
audio_buffer = 0x7f9db40008c0
temp_pool = 0x7f9db4021a98
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1df2430)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1df2430
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0aa0700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc0aa0700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315518961408,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140315519472016,
140315518961408, -2147043055422247137, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 22 (Thread 0x7f9dc0adc700 (LWP 1870)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1dedc30)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1dedc30) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x25, obj=0x7f9dc0adb470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9dc0adb470
olen = 160
artist = 0x7f9dc0adb378 "manolo_camp"
title = 0x7f9dc0adb384 "morning_coffee.wav"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000morning_coffee\000manolo_camp\000morning_coffee.wav", '\000' <repeats 57 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 584771, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 974102467, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9db002dd28, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9db002dea8, handler = 0x0, pos = 974102467,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 458752,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9db0031df0,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9db0061828 "t\376P\371\232\367#\371\342\366\067\362\260\366\253", <incomplete sequence \374\226>, pre_buffer_datalen = 65536,
file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9db002de60 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/morning_coffee/manolo_camp-morning_coffee.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0,
max_samples = 0, params = 0x0, cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0,
stream_name = 0x0, modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100,
channels = 1, keyint = 60, ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0,
cbr = 0, fps = 0, source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9db002de10, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "manolo_camp-morning_coffee.wav", '\000' <repeats 97 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/morning_coffee/manolo_camp-morning_coffee.wav", '\000' <repeats 441 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/morning_coffee/manolo_camp-morning_coffee.wav", '\000' <repeats 441 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/morning_coffee/art/manolo_camp-morning_coffee.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 433 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/morning_coffee\000manolo_camp-morning_coffee.wav", '\000' <repeats 441 times>
fd = 31381080
audio_buffer = 0x7f9db00008c0
temp_pool = 0x7f9db0023b78
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dee418)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1dee418
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0adc700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc0adc700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315519207168,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140315519472016,
140315519207168, -2147043018915025121, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 21 (Thread 0x7f9dc0b18700 (LWP 1869)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1de9c10)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1de9c10) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x26, obj=0x7f9dc0b17470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9dc0b17470
olen = 160
artist = 0x0
title = 0x7f9dc0b17371 "macroform_cold_day.wav"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000coldday\000macroform_cold_day.wav", '\000' <repeats 72 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 1954191, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 979442907, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9db8025c58, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9db8025dd0, handler = 0x0, pos = 979442907,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 393216,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9db8027ed0,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9db8050568 "\214\367\340\365<\364\220\364?\366\317\365\305\372B\006\273\r\244\rf\n\036\ap\b6\f\305\rN\vE\av\001E\374?\370\300\366\307\366\353\371\214\375\274\001N\b\313\tR\006n\001\246\002\305\006\272\006\250\004i\001\321\373\236\365\035\363H\361\235\357\243\360\262\361<\370\213\001\016\006\246\003n\377\363\377\224\004\311\006\022\005\025\001\245\374\200\371'\371\333\372\030\374\311\375+", pre_buffer_datalen = 65536,
file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9db8025d90 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/coldday/macroform_cold_day.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0, max_samples = 0, params = 0x0,
cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0, stream_name = 0x0,
modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100, channels = 1, keyint = 60,
ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0, cbr = 0, fps = 0,
source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9db8025d40, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "macroform_cold_day.wav", '\000' <repeats 105 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/coldday/macroform_cold_day.wav", '\000' <repeats 456 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/coldday/macroform_cold_day.wav", '\000' <repeats 456 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/coldday/art/macroform_cold_day.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 448 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/coldday\000macroform_cold_day.wav", '\000' <repeats 456 times>
fd = 31364664
audio_buffer = 0x7f9db80008c0
temp_pool = 0x7f9db8023b78
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1dea3f8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1dea3f8
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9dc0b18700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9dc0b18700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140315519452928,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140315519472016,
140315519452928, -2147043265875644641, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 20 (Thread 0x7f9e09233700 (LWP 1868)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9a9d in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12f52326 in _timerfd_next (timer=0x1de5bf0)
at src/switch_time.c:482
it = <optimized out>
u64 = 0
#2 timer_next (timer=0x1de5bf0) at src/switch_time.c:845
private_info = <optimized out>
cond_index = 20
delta = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e73e88 in switch_core_timer_next (timer=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_core_timer.c:74
__func__ = "switch_core_timer_next"
#4 0x00007f9dc0b1da98 in read_stream_thread (thread=0x23, obj=0x7f9e09232470)
at mod_local_stream.c:449
is_open = -512
use_fh = 0x7f9e09232470
olen = 160
artist = 0x0
title = 0x7f9e09232371 "reno_project_system.wav"
tmp_space = "\000usr\000local\000hostedsip\000moh\000default\000reno_project_system.wav", '\000' <repeats 71 times>
fname = 0x0
fh = {file_interface = 0x1ddfc08, flags = 2061, fd = 0x0,
samples = 2573886, samplerate = 8000, native_rate = 8000,
channels = 1, real_channels = 1, format = 65538, sections = 1,
seekable = 1, sample_count = 981371462, speed = 0,
memory_pool = 0x7f9dbc025cb8, prebuf = 65536, interval = 0,
private_info = 0x7f9dbc025e30, handler = 0x0, pos = 981371462,
audio_buffer = 0x0, sp_audio_buffer = 0x0, thresh = 0,
silence_hits = 0, offset_pos = 0, samples_in = 720896,
samples_out = 0, vol = 0, resampler = 0x0, buffer = 0x0, dbuf = 0x0,
dbuflen = 0, pre_buffer = 0x7f9dbc000910,
pre_buffer_data = 0x7f9dbc0505c8 "T\356{\375\035\372\215\360\036\350\224\363%\364i\367R\371\t\006m\016\035\rW\021\240\020\071\020\036\a_\b\021\375\b\361\216\375\024\004\322\001\222\366\005", pre_buffer_datalen = 65536,
file = 0x7f9dc0b1fb08 "mod_local_stream.c",
func = 0x7f9dc0b20440 <__func__.18373> "read_stream_thread",
line = 359,
file_path = 0x7f9dbc025df0 "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/default/reno_project_system.wav", spool_path = 0x0, prefix = 0x0, max_samples = 0,
params = 0x0, cur_channels = 0, cur_samplerate = 0,
stream_name = 0x0, modname = 0x0, mm = {samplerate = 44100,
channels = 1, keyint = 60, ab = 128, vb = 0, vw = 0, vh = 0,
cbr = 0, fps = 0, source_fps = 0, vbuf = 0,
try_hardware_encoder = 1 '\001', scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0,
fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE, auth_username = 0x0, auth_password = 0x0},
flag_mutex = 0x7f9dbc025da0, duration = 0, vpos = 0, muxbuf = 0x0,
muxlen = 0}
file_buf = "reno_project_system.wav", '\000' <repeats 104 times>
path_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/default/reno_project_system.wav", '\000' <repeats 455 times>
last_path = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/default/reno_project_system.wav", '\000' <repeats 455 times>
png_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/default/art/reno_project_system.wav.png", '\000' <repeats 447 times>
tmp_buf = "/usr/local/hostedsip/moh/default\000reno_project_system.wav", '\000' <repeats 455 times>
fd = 31348248
audio_buffer = 0x7f9dbc000970
temp_pool = 0x7f9dbc023bd8
do_shuffle = 0
__func__ = "read_stream_thread"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "read_stream_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1de63d8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1de63d8
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09233700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e09233700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316734863104,
2094080250283978527, 0, 30541328, 18, 140316734863104,
-2147169587843141857, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 19 (Thread 0x7f9e0a9fe700 (LWP 1865)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e12e5a5c5 in switch_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at src/switch_apr.c:371
No locals.
#3 0x00007f9dc3007113 in timer_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at mod_spandsp_fax.c:220
timer = {interval = 20, flags = 1, samples = 160, samplecount = 160,
last_samplecount = 0, timer_interface = 0x1cc54c8,
memory_pool = 0x7f9dfc000a68, private_info = 0x7f9dfc000b50,
diff = 0, start = 1590115702560446, tick = 0}
pvt = <optimized out>
__func__ = "timer_thread_run"
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d5af70)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1d5af70
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a9fe700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0a9fe700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316759811840,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316648688704, 18, 140316759811840,
-2147161649132966113, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 18 (Thread 0x7f9e09479700 (LWP 1732)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c421adcf0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c421adcf0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e094779b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9c421adcf0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9e094779b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de40f3c30,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df011c6f0, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9e094785c0 "9e7a708e-5e53-444b-813a-22f87c1cb8f9", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9e09478560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9e09478de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9c421fe660 "sales"
realm = 0x7f9c421fe6e0 "alnico.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de45055c0
sql = 0x7f9e1319bbc0 "Reuse Unused Cached DB handle %s [%s]\n"
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de45f1e8d "alnico.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"\" <sip:sales at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Asales%40162.221.122.10%3A1045>", '\000' <repeats 940 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 3600
event = 0x656c61733a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "\000\000thread=\"140316737246976\"", '\000' <repeats 39 times>
network_port_c = "1045\000\177"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 65 times>
network_port = 1045
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de45f1ec1 "6cf1580b-5821af04-364ec159 at"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9c421ec360
r = 0
reg_count = 2328
agent = 0x7f9de45f1f7f "PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550-UA/"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590231956
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>
sw_reg_host = 0x7f9e09477ee8 ""
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x3, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de488ff98, de=0x7f9df011c6f0, tags=0x7f9de49d3600)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "9e7a708e-5e53-444b-813a-22f87c1cb8f9", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9c406839a0
network_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 65 times>
network_port = 1045
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x3 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de488ff98, de=0x7f9df011c6f0, tags=0x7f9de49d3600) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9e09478e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9e09478e30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df011c6f0
nh = 0x7f9de40f3c30
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df011c6f0
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d14ef8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1d14ef8
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09479700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e09479700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316737246976,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316744580064,
140316737246976, -2147169825140084961, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 17 (Thread 0x7f9e094b5700 (LWP 1731)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f6eb0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f6eb0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e094b39b8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9c3c9f6eb0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c822b9 "sofia_reg.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c84ba0 <__func__.31227> "sofia_reg_handle_register_token", line=line at entry=1594, event=event at entry=0x7f9e094b39b8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b994b2 in sofia_reg_handle_register_token (
nua=<optimized out>, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9de42fea20,
sip=<optimized out>, de=0x7f9df01fc300, regtype=REG_REGISTER,
key=0x7f9e094b45c0 "94f5054a-7019-4c7f-8fd3-c9894ba23cd3", keylen=128,
v_event=0x7f9e094b4560, is_nat=<optimized out>,
sofia_private_p=0x7f9e094b4de0, user_xml=0x0, sw_acl_token=0x0)
at sofia_reg.c:1594
v_contact_str = 0x0
username = 0x7f9c4619ed00 "reception"
realm = 0x7f9c4619ed80 "rcc.
to = <optimized out>
from = <optimized out>
expires = <optimized out>
authorization = <optimized out>
contact = 0x7f9de49e8920
sql = 0x7f9e1319bbc0 "Reuse Unused Cached DB handle %s [%s]\n"
s_event = 0x0
reg_meta = 0x0
to_user = <optimized out>
to_host = 0x7f9de49b1202 "rcc.
mwi_account = 0x0
dup_mwi_account = 0x0
display_m = <optimized out>
mwi_user = 0x0
mwi_host = 0x0
var = 0x0
from_user = <optimized out>
from_host = <optimized out>
reg_host = <optimized out>
sub_host = <optimized out>
contact_str = "\"\" <sip:reception at;fs_nat=yes;fs_path=sip%3Areception%40173.209.128.222%3A11460>", '\000' <repeats 930 times>
multi_reg = 0 '\000'
multi_reg_contact = 0 '\000'
avoid_multi_reg = 0 '\000'
stale = 0 '\000'
forbidden = 0 '\000'
auth_res = AUTH_RENEWED
exptime = 3600
event = 0x656365723a706973
rpid = 0x7f9e09c9c868 "unknown"
display = <optimized out>
network_ip = "\000thread=\"140316737492736\"", '\000' <repeats 39 times>
network_port_c = "11460"
url_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 64 times>
network_port = 11460
reg_desc = <optimized out>
call_id = 0x7f9de49b1232 "46dc6c9bfd068f7c1d34fdab1e1b7c73"
force_user = <optimized out>
received_data = '\000' <repeats 127 times>
path_val = <optimized out>
auth_params = 0x7f9c461bca90
r = 0
reg_count = 378
agent = 0x7f9de49b12ec "PolycomVVX-VVX_501-UA/"
pres_on_reg = <optimized out>
send_pres = 0
send_message_query = 0
force_ping = 0
is_tls = <optimized out>
is_tcp = <optimized out>
is_ws = <optimized out>
is_wss = <optimized out>
expbuf = '\000' <repeats 34 times>
reg_time = 1590231956
vproto = <optimized out>
proto = <optimized out>
uparams = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
utmp = <optimized out>
sofia_private = <optimized out>
sw_to_user = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>
sw_reg_host = 0x7f9e094b3ee8 ""
token_val = 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_register_token"
#7 0x00007f9e09b9b1bb in sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register (nua=0x1b8705c,
profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x2, sofia_private_p=0xffffffffffffffff,
sip=0x7f9de42672a8, de=0x7f9df01fc300, tags=0x7f9de48dea20)
at sofia_reg.c:2377
key = "94f5054a-7019-4c7f-8fd3-c9894ba23cd3", '\000' <repeats 91 times>
v_event = 0x7f9c3c9eb550
network_ip = "", '\000' <repeats 64 times>
network_port = 11460
acl_token = 0x0
__func__ = "sofia_reg_handle_sip_i_register"
#8 0x00007f9e09b70c4a in our_sofia_event_callback (event=28864604,
status=128, phrase=0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
nua=0xffffffffffffffff, profile=0x1b86f00, nh=0x0, sofia_private=0x0,
sip=0x7f9de42672a8, de=0x7f9df01fc300, tags=0x7f9de48dea20) at sofia.c:1807
tech_pvt = 0x0
auth_res = 4294966784
session = 0x0
check_destroy = 0
__func__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "our_sofia_event_callback"
#9 0x00007f9e09b77ae6 in sofia_process_dispatch_event (dep=0x7f9e094b4e38,
dep at entry=0x7f9e094b4e30) at sofia.c:2249
de = 0x7f9df01fc300
nh = 0x7f9de42fea20
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
profile = 0x1d1ade0
sofia_private = <optimized out>
#10 0x00007f9e09b77cb5 in sofia_msg_thread_run (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=0x7f9e09a9dad8) at sofia.c:2297
de = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9df01fc300
q = 0x7f9e09a9dad8
my_id = <optimized out>
__func__ = "sofia_msg_thread_run"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d14e60)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1d14e60
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e094b5700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e094b5700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316737492736,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316744580064,
140316737492736, -2147169797222797537, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 16 (Thread 0x7f9e094f3700 (LWP 1730)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc404abb0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9dc404abb0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e094f2de8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9dc404abb0
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c78688 "sofia_glue.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c7b900 <__func__.31698> "sofia_glue_fire_events",
line=line at entry=3136, event=event at entry=0x7f9e094f2de8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b7f10c in sofia_glue_fire_events (
profile=profile at entry=0x1d24350) at sofia_glue.c:3136
event = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9dc404abb0
__func__ = "sofia_glue_fire_events"
#7 0x00007f9e09b4d968 in sofia_profile_worker_thread_run (
thread=<optimized out>, obj=0x1d24350) at sofia.c:3004
profile = 0x1d24350
ireg_loops = 0
iping_loops = 0
gateway_loops = <optimized out>
pop = 0x7f9e13c03060 <_rtld_global>
tick = 0
x = 0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_profile_worker_thread_run"
__func__ = "sofia_profile_worker_thread_run"
#8 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d28890)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1d28890
#9 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e094f3700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e094f3700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316737746688,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140315977802720, 18, 140316737746688,
-2147169759641833697, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#10 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 15 (Thread 0x7f9e0952f700 (LWP 1727)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12e7ee3e in switch_user_sql_thread (thread=0x7f9ddc01f734,
obj=0x7f9ddc01f560) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:2135
written = 5
i = 2
__func__ = "switch_user_sql_thread"
#2 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e095f36c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e095f36c0
#3 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0952f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0952f700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316737992448,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316898749440,
140316737992448, -2147170006602453217, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#4 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 14 (Thread 0x7f9e0975a700 (LWP 1726)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a7ac03 in epoll_wait ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e09c3612c in su_epoll_port_wait_events (self=0x7f9de00008c0,
tout=<optimized out>) at su_epoll_port.c:495
j = <optimized out>
n = <optimized out>
events = 0
index = <optimized out>
version = 6
ev = 0x7f9e09759da0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "su_epoll_port_wait_events"
#2 0x00007f9e09c356c6 in su_base_port_run (self=0x7f9de00008c0)
at su_base_port.c:349
tout = 1000
tout2 = 0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "su_base_port_run"
#3 0x00007f9e09c3a390 in su_pthread_port_clone_main (varg=0x7f9e09795790)
at su_pthread_port.c:343
arg = 0x0
task = {{sut_port = 0x7f9de00008c0, sut_root = 0x7f9de0001130}}
zap = 1
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0975a700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0975a700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316740265728,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 30557008,
140316740265728, -2147170219740205281, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 13 (Thread 0x7f9e09796700 (LWP 1725)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=data at entry=0x7f9ddc02ac80) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=0x7f9ddc02ac80) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e09b77da9 in sofia_queue_message (de=0x7f9ddc02ac80)
at sofia.c:2374
launch = <optimized out>
#5 0x00007f9e09b781d0 in sofia_event_callback (event=nua_r_register,
phrase=0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
nua=0x7f9ddc017030, profile=0x0, nh=0x7f9dc4000b60,
sofia_private=0x7f9dc40011c0, sip=0x7f9de0030da8, tags=0x7f9de000e940)
at sofia.c:2633
de = 0x7f9ddc02ac80
sess_max = 4294966784
__func__ = "sofia_event_callback"
#6 0x00007f9e09c00c7c in nua_application_event (dummy=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
sumsg=0x7f9e09b77e00 <sofia_event_callback>, ee=0x7f9de000e918)
at nua_stack.c:393
frame = {{nf_next = 0x0, nf_saved = {0x0}}}
nua = 0x7f9ddc017030
nh = 0x7f9dc4000b60
__func__ = "nua_application_event"
#7 0x00007f9e09c35202 in su_base_port_execute_msgs (queue=0x0)
at su_base_port.c:280
root = <optimized out>
f = <optimized out>
msg = 0x0
n = 0
#8 0x00007f9e09c35841 in su_base_port_step (self=0x7f9ddc0008c0, tout=0)
at su_base_port.c:473
now = {tv_sec = 3799222375, tv_usec = 91806}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "su_base_port_step"
#9 0x00007f9e09b63553 in sofia_profile_thread_run (thread=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
obj=0x1d24350) at sofia.c:3391
node = 0x7f9e09795db0
s_event = 0x0
sanity = 158948784
worker_thread = 0x1d28890
qname = "sofia:sipinterface_2", '\000' <repeats 107 times>
__func__ = "sofia_profile_thread_run"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_profile_thread_run"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d26b38)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1d26b38
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09796700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e09796700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316740511488,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316744491600,
140316740511488, -2147170191822917857, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 12 (Thread 0x7f9e097d4700 (LWP 1724)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f1060) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9c3c9f1060) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e097d3de8) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9c3c9f1060
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (file=file at entry=0x7f9e09c78688 "sofia_glue.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e09c7b900 <__func__.31698> "sofia_glue_fire_events",
line=line at entry=3136, event=event at entry=0x7f9e097d3de8,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e09b7f10c in sofia_glue_fire_events (
profile=profile at entry=0x1d1ade0) at sofia_glue.c:3136
event = 0x0
pop = 0x7f9c3c9f1060
__func__ = "sofia_glue_fire_events"
#7 0x00007f9e09b4d968 in sofia_profile_worker_thread_run (
thread=<optimized out>, obj=0x1d1ade0) at sofia.c:3004
profile = 0x1d1ade0
ireg_loops = 12
iping_loops = 0
gateway_loops = <optimized out>
pop = 0x7f9e13c03060 <_rtld_global>
tick = 0
x = 1
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_profile_worker_thread_run"
__func__ = "sofia_profile_worker_thread_run"
#8 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e099fcb40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e099fcb40
#9 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e097d4700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e097d4700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316740765440,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316313346976, 18, 140316740765440,
-2147170154241954017, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#10 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 11 (Thread 0x7f9e09810700 (LWP 1721)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12e7ee3e in switch_user_sql_thread (thread=0x7f9df001f794,
obj=0x7f9df001f5c0) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:2135
written = 1
i = 2
__func__ = "switch_user_sql_thread"
#2 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e098d46c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e098d46c0
#3 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09810700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e09810700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316741011200,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316898749440,
140316741011200, -2147168202179317985, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#4 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 10 (Thread 0x7f9e09a3b700 (LWP 1720)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a7ac03 in epoll_wait ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e09c3612c in su_epoll_port_wait_events (self=0x7f9de40008c0,
tout=<optimized out>) at su_epoll_port.c:495
j = <optimized out>
n = <optimized out>
events = 0
index = <optimized out>
version = 33
ev = 0x7f9e09a3ace0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "su_epoll_port_wait_events"
#2 0x00007f9e09c02254 in nua_stack_timer (nua=<optimized out>,
t=t at entry=0x7f9de40011e0, a=a at entry=0x0) at nua_stack.c:739
nh = <optimized out>
nh_next = 0x7f9c29eecde0
now = 3799227932
root = 0x7f9de4001130
#3 0x00007f9e09c4306d in su_timer_expire (timers=timers at entry=0x7f9de4000908,
timeout=timeout at entry=0x7f9e09a3ae20, now=...) at su_timer.c:585
f = 0x7f9e09c02120 <nua_stack_timer>
n = 0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "su_timer_expire"
#4 0x00007f9e09c35684 in su_base_port_run (self=0x7f9de40008c0)
at su_base_port.c:339
now = <optimized out>
tout = 15000
tout2 = 0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "su_base_port_run"
#5 0x00007f9e09c3a390 in su_pthread_port_clone_main (varg=0x7f9e0a33b790)
at su_pthread_port.c:343
arg = 0x0
task = {{sut_port = 0x7f9de40008c0, sut_root = 0x7f9de4001130}}
zap = 1
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e09a3b700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e09a3b700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316743284480,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 30518752,
140316743284480, -2147168484036546785, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 9 (Thread 0x7f9e0a33c700 (LWP 1719)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=data at entry=0x7f9df03036f0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x7f9e09a9dad8,
data=0x7f9df03036f0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e09b77da9 in sofia_queue_message (de=0x7f9df03036f0)
at sofia.c:2374
launch = <optimized out>
#5 0x00007f9e09b781d0 in sofia_event_callback (event=nua_i_subscribe,
phrase=0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>,
nua=0x7f9df0017090, profile=0x1d1ade0, nh=0x7f9c3363cb70,
sofia_private=0x0, sip=0x7f9c33428988, tags=0x7f9c3363d6e0) at sofia.c:2633
de = 0x7f9df03036f0
sess_max = 4294966784
__func__ = "sofia_event_callback"
#6 0x00007f9e09c00c7c in nua_application_event (dummy=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
sumsg=0x7f9e09b77e00 <sofia_event_callback>, ee=0x7f9c3363d6b8)
at nua_stack.c:393
frame = {{nf_next = 0x0, nf_saved = {0x0}}}
nua = 0x7f9df0017090
nh = 0x7f9c3363cb70
__func__ = "nua_application_event"
#7 0x00007f9e09c35202 in su_base_port_execute_msgs (queue=0x0)
at su_base_port.c:280
root = <optimized out>
f = <optimized out>
msg = 0x0
n = 0
#8 0x00007f9e09c35841 in su_base_port_step (self=0x7f9df00009c0, tout=0)
at su_base_port.c:473
now = {tv_sec = 3799221850, tv_usec = 87585}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "su_base_port_step"
#9 0x00007f9e09b63553 in sofia_profile_thread_run (thread=0x7f9e09a9dbcc,
obj=0x1d1ade0) at sofia.c:3391
node = 0x7f9e0a33bdb0
s_event = 0x0
sanity = 171163056
worker_thread = 0x7f9e099fcb40
st = 32669
qname = "sofia:sipinterface_1", '\000' <repeats 107 times>
__func__ = "sofia_profile_thread_run"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sofia_profile_thread_run"
#10 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1d1d9a8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1d1d9a8
#11 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a33c700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0a33c700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316752725760,
2094080250283978527, 0, 30421840, 18, 140316752725760,
-2147163123380490465, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#12 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 8 (Thread 0x7f9e0a9c2700 (LWP 1714)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9c8d in accept () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e13182f96 in apr_socket_accept (new=0x7f9e0a9c1da0,
sock=0x1cb3658, connection_context=0x7f9df40013c8)
at network_io/unix/sockets.c:191
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e12f61262 in msrp_listener (thread=0x1cb38b0,
obj=0x7f9e13475378 <globals+120>) at src/switch_msrp.c:1381
rv = 4294966784
pool = 0x7f9df40013c8
thd_attr = 0x0
sock = 0x7f9df40014a8
__func__ = "msrp_listener"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "msrp_listener"
#3 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cb38b0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cb38b0
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a9c2700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0a9c2700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316759566080,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316648689872, 18, 140316759566080,
-2147161642690515169, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 7 (Thread 0x7f9e0a984700 (LWP 1713)):
#0 0x00007f9e123a9c8d in accept () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e13182f96 in apr_socket_accept (new=0x7f9e0a983da0,
sock=0x1cb3208, connection_context=0x7f9df8000aa8)
at network_io/unix/sockets.c:191
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e12f61262 in msrp_listener (thread=0x1cb3560,
obj=0x7f9e13475358 <globals+88>) at src/switch_msrp.c:1381
rv = 4294966784
pool = 0x7f9df8000aa8
thd_attr = 0x0
sock = 0x7f9df8000b88
__func__ = "msrp_listener"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "msrp_listener"
#3 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x1cb3560)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x1cb3560
#4 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0a984700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0a984700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316759312128,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316899676160,
140316759312128, -2147161675976511713, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 6 (Thread 0x7f9e0aa3c700 (LWP 1710)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0417c860) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1b86f68,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0417c860) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e12eecef0 in switch_event_queue_dispatch_event (
eventp=0x7f9e0aa3bd68) at src/switch_event.c:386
launch = <optimized out>
event = 0x7f9e0417c860
#5 switch_event_fire_detailed (
file=file at entry=0x7f9e131a140f "src/switch_core.c",
func=func at entry=0x7f9e131a3a1a <__func__.42059> "send_heartbeat",
line=line at entry=109, event=event at entry=0x7f9e0aa3bd68,
user_data=user_data at entry=0x0) at src/switch_event.c:2001
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "switch_event_fire_detailed"
#6 0x00007f9e12e9a897 in send_heartbeat () at src/switch_core.c:109
event = 0x0
duration = {mms = 459, ms = 164, sec = 0, min = 18, hr = 8, day = 1,
yr = 0}
#7 heartbeat_callback (task=0x1cafb00) at src/switch_core.c:211
No locals.
#8 0x00007f9e12ed866b in switch_scheduler_execute (tp=0x1cafb00)
at src/switch_scheduler.c:63
No locals.
#9 0x00007f9e12ed8af3 in task_thread_loop (done=done at entry=0)
at src/switch_scheduler.c:129
diff = <optimized out>
now = 1590231973
tofree = <optimized out>
tp = 0x1cafb00
last = 0x0
__func__ = "task_thread_loop"
#10 0x00007f9e12ed8b67 in switch_scheduler_task_thread (
thread=<optimized out>, obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_scheduler.c:185
pop = 0x7f9e04090f60
__func__ = "switch_scheduler_task_thread"
#11 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0ac255d8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0ac255d8
#12 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0aa3c700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0aa3c700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316760065792,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316899117840,
140316760065792, -2147161886429909217, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#13 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 5 (Thread 0x7f9e0ac62700 (LWP 1709)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 302884}
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
No locals.
#3 0x00007f9e12e84aed in switch_core_sql_db_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:1395
sec = 10
reg_sec = 10
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb5750)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb5750
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0ac62700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0ac62700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316762318592,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316898773680,
140316762318592, -2147162140906721505, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f9e0b13d700 (LWP 1708)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e12e7ee3e in switch_user_sql_thread (thread=0x1ca1764,
obj=0x1ca15a0) at src/switch_core_sqldb.c:2135
written = 1
i = 4
__func__ = "switch_user_sql_thread"
#2 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0ad266c0)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0ad266c0
#3 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0b13d700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0b13d700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316767409920,
2094080250283978527, 0, 29898768, 18, 140316767409920,
-2147165051283935457, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#4 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f9e0bdf2700 (LWP 1706)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175f21 in apr_queue_pop (queue=0x7f9e0bf1afc8,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0bdf1e40) at misc/apr_queue.c:276
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b325 in switch_queue_pop (queue=<optimized out>,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e0bdf1e40) at src/switch_apr.c:1167
No locals.
#4 0x00007f9e12f47700 in log_thread (t=<optimized out>, obj=<optimized out>)
at src/switch_log.c:307
pop = 0x0
node = 0x0
binding = <optimized out>
__func__ = "log_thread"
#5 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bdb55a8)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bdb55a8
#6 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0bdf2700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0bdf2700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316780734208,
2094080250283978527, 0, 29816176, 18, 140316780734208,
-2147164400059519201, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f9e0be6a700 (LWP 1698)):
#0 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:185
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e1317e41d in apr_thread_cond_wait (cond=<optimized out>,
mutex=<optimized out>) at locks/unix/thread_cond.c:68
No locals.
#2 0x00007f9e13175de0 in apr_queue_push (queue=queue at entry=0x1d4b368,
data=data at entry=0x7f9e03003bc0) at misc/apr_queue.c:166
rv = <optimized out>
#3 0x00007f9e12e5b35b in switch_queue_push (queue=0x1d4b368,
data=0x7f9e03003bc0) at src/switch_apr.c:1180
s = -512
#4 0x00007f9e082b8af7 in vm_event_handler (event=<optimized out>)
at mod_voicemail.c:4160
cloned_event = 0x7f9e03003bc0
#5 0x00007f9e12eeb032 in switch_event_deliver (event=0x7f9e0be69e28)
at src/switch_event.c:405
e = <optimized out>
node = 0x1d42b60
#6 0x00007f9e12eeb1e0 in switch_event_dispatch_thread (thread=0x7f9e0be69e20,
obj=0x1b86f68) at src/switch_event.c:334
pop = 0x7f9ddb4fe420
event = 0x7f9ddb4fe420
my_id = 0
__func__ = "switch_event_dispatch_thread"
#7 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e0bf1ad40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e0bf1ad40
#8 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e0be6a700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e0be6a700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316781225728,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316899193120,
140316781225728, -2147164610512916705, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f9e13b0f700 (LWP 1697)):
#0 0x00007f9e11a73893 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
No locals.
#1 0x00007f9e131859d5 in apr_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at time/unix/time.c:246
tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 822977}
#2 0x00007f9e12f514bc in do_sleep (t=<optimized out>) at src/switch_time.c:164
No locals.
#3 0x00007f9e12e77075 in pool_thread (thread=<optimized out>,
obj=<optimized out>) at src/switch_core_memory.c:569
len = 0
#4 0x00007f9e13184470 in dummy_worker (opaque=0x7f9e13b71c40)
at threadproc/unix/thread.c:151
thread = 0x7f9e13b71c40
#5 0x00007f9e123a3064 in start_thread (arg=0x7f9e13b0f700)
at pthread_create.c:309
__res = <optimized out>
pd = 0x7f9e13b0f700
now = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140316911924992,
2094080250283978527, 0, 140316912922720, 140316898717600,
140316911924992, -2147216993544671457, -2147215844289253601},
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = <optimized out>
pagesize_m1 = <optimized out>
sp = <optimized out>
freesize = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#6 0x00007f9e11a7a62d in clone ()
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:111
No locals.
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