[Freeswitch-users] CPU availability?

David Villasmil david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 18:53:03 UTC 2020

Hello all,

Let's assume i have a 28 CPU (56 cores) with 64gb RAM.
I'm load-testing that box with something like this:

SIPp->--\       /----> FS1
SIPp->--/       \----> FS2

SIPp is simply sending calls with rtp to FS.
FS just forward the calls to FS1 and FS2 based on some very simple decision.
FS1 and FS2 simply answer and execute echo.
At ~2000 channels FS fails to reply to some SIP messages, basically calls
are timing out, answer ratio goes down.
BUT CPU never goes over 45% on the FS and memory is ample. I don't see
packe drops on the interface.
FS is running in a docker.

I'm wondering whether FS would use all of the available CPU or am I hitting
some other limit somewhere.

Any insight is welcomed!


David Villasmil
email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
phone: +34669448337
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