[Freeswitch-users] Update DNS SRV records
zoya Ferdowsian
pingzoya at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 22:07:19 UTC 2019
I am very new in FreeSwitch trying to install it on windows 10
I have followed https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/Windows
I do this warning --> On Windows you must Select *CheckOut as-is, Commit
as-is* in order to Set core.autocrlf False.
but when I tun git clone https://stash.freeswitch.org/scm/fs/freeswitch.git
After completion on my Gitt I type --> *git config --get-all core.autocrlf*
returns --> true
Where and how do I change it to give me false, when it says --> On Windows
you must Select *CheckOut as-is, Commit as-is* in order to Set
core.autocrlf False.
where do I do this to get the false result?
On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 8:02 AM David Villasmil <
david.villasmil.work at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://freeswitch.org/stash/projects/FS/repos/freeswitch/browse/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/sresolv/sres_cache.c#367
> i'm thinking if we just add a return so that nothing is cached, sofia
> would do a resolve every time, because it won't find any cached records.
> Regards,
> David Villasmil
> email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
> phone: +34669448337
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 3:07 AM Kai Danielmeier <kai.danielmeier at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Basically I solved the problem by working around it with a hangup hook.
>> In it I check the call disposition and if it is 403 I restart the gateway
>> and then retry the call. Not the most perfect solution, but does the job
>> and I do not have to manually restart any gateways. We had cases where the
>> IP change for the server happened several times daily, which was very
>> annoying.
>> BR
>> Kai
>> Am Mo., 24. Juni 2019 um 16:51 Uhr schrieb Sebastian Denz <
>> denzs at gonicus.de>:
>>> I didnt see your post before, so i opened a topic for propably the same
>>> issue today... i am preparing a test setup right now to reproduce it
>>> with the current git-HEAD and then i'll open an issue in Jira...
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sebastian
>>> Am 6/18/19 um 9:05 AM schrieb Paul Muaddib:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > slowly it becomes annoying. Since a few days I need to reload the
>>> gateway
>>> > profile twice a day to refresh the SRV records. I found out that my SIP
>>> > Provider "Deutsche Telekom" updated their Documentation of their SIP
>>> Trunk.
>>> >
>>> > Perhaps interesting for others. Here is the updated PDF
>>> >
>>> https://geschaeftskunden.telekom.de/blobCache/umn/uti/457678_1548405575000/blobBinary/SIP-Trunk-Technische-Unterlage.ps
>>> >
>>> > The document also includes a section on DNS and SRV. Can someone tell
>>> me if
>>> > I can make changes in the configuration based on the following
>>> information
>>> > so that the SRV records are updated correctly?
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> >
>>> > ############
>>> >
>>> > Domain and IP address recognition and resolution on the SIP trunk
>>> interface
>>> > is performed via DNS servers.
>>> >
>>> > In the registration mode, the IP address, transport and port of the
>>> server
>>> > are determined according to RFC 3263 and SIPConnect 2.0 16.1 "Locating
>>> SIP
>>> > Servers".
>>> >
>>> > According to RFC 3263, the SIP-PBX performs a NAPTR query for the
>>> domain
>>> > names:
>>> > - reg.sip-trunk.telekom.de.
>>> > - stat.sip-trunk.telekom.de
>>> >
>>> > and receives the records with the protocols supported by the domain
>>> name
>>> > (in case of a SIP trunk usage of the TLS via TCP and TCP protocol
>>> depending
>>> > on whether the client uses TLS or not).
>>> >
>>> > Since the protocol has been determined, an IP address and port must
>>> also be
>>> > determined, as described in RFC 3263, Chapter 5, and an SRV query is
>>> sent
>>> > to the record returned by the NAPTR. Finally, the client performs an
>>> > A-Record lookup on these records to obtain the IP addresses of the
>>> servers.
>>> > The destination node selection is the SIP-PBX behavior (SIPconnect 2.0,
>>> > Chapter 17.1 for Register Mode and Chapter 16.1 for Static Mode).
>>> >
>>> > A lookup to these domain names is not possible. Therefore a lookup with
>>> > some tools (e.g. nslookup under some Windows versions) does not lead to
>>> > success, because these only make an A-Record query by default!
>>> > The correct query order is therefore
>>> > - NAPTR on reg.sip-trunk.telekom.de
>>> > - SRV to a record of the NAPTR response
>>> > - A to a record of the SRV response
>>> >
>>> > Success also leads:
>>> > - SRV on reg.sip-trunk.telekom.de
>>> >
>>> > - A to a record of the SRV response
>>> >
>>> > Does not lead to success:
>>> > - A on reg.sip-trunk.telekom.de
>>> >
>>> > Attention: With many PBXs, setting the port (e.g. to 5060) leads to a
>>> > behavior in which only the A record is queried, which then fails. A
>>> > NAPTR/SRV query is only performed if the port is set to "0". (The
>>> > background is that the SRV query provides the port, i.e. the port
>>> cannot be
>>> > set to a fixed value in advance).
>>> >
>>> > ############
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Am Di., 7. Mai 2019 um 13:42 Uhr schrieb Paul Muaddib <
>>> > paul.muaddib83 at gmail.com>:
>>> >
>>> >> How can I check the TTL of the SRV register?
>>> >>
>>> >> Am Di., 7. Mai 2019 um 12:36 Uhr schrieb Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
>>> <
>>> >> rbetancor at gmail.com>:
>>> >>
>>> >>> The only way you have is to tell FS to "reload" that provider gw
>>> profile.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> You should check the TTL of that provider SRV registers as may be a
>>> >>> problem on their end, not updating them correctly.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 10:25 AM Paul Muaddib <
>>> paul.muaddib83 at gmail.com>
>>> >>> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> Hi Lawrence,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I think that you want to know how to tell your fS to re-lookup the
>>> SRV
>>> >>>>> records for that gateway's domain while running, as the SRV
>>> records in that
>>> >>>>> provider's DNS changes regularly.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> I can't help on the details of fS's DNS lookup code, but is that
>>> the
>>> >>>>> actual problem you have and so the question you want to ask?
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Yes, that is my problem.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Am Di., 7. Mai 2019 um 00:07 Uhr schrieb Lawrence Conroy <
>>> >>>> lconroy at insensate.co.uk>:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> Hi
>>> >>>>> They may do; they may not. It's hard to tell when the question is
>>> that
>>> >>>>> confusing.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> 1. IIUC, fS doesn't update local DNS records at all.
>>> >>>>> (it could, but you'd need to write something external to do the DNS
>>> >>>>> update).
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> 2. you talk of not being able to call OUT.
>>> >>>>> That's good, as it means there is no need to update your domain's
>>> DNS
>>> >>>>> records.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> I assume that what you mean is that your provider changes its SRV
>>> >>>>> records every couple of days.
>>> >>>>> You have a gateway entry in your fS config for that provider.
>>> >>>>> That gateway spec has a defined domain name for the server.
>>> >>>>> I think that you want to know how to tell your fS to re-lookup the
>>> SRV
>>> >>>>> records for that gateway's domain while running, as the SRV
>>> records in that
>>> >>>>> provider's DNS changes regularly.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> I can't help on the details of fS's DNS lookup code, but is that
>>> the
>>> >>>>> actual problem you have and so the question you want to ask?
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> br,
>>> >>>>> Lawrence
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> On 6 May 2019, at 21:04, Paul Muaddib <paul.muaddib83 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Really nobody with the same problem?
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Am Do., 2. Mai 2019 um 11:23 Uhr schrieb Paul Muaddib <
>>> >>>>> paul.muaddib83 at gmail.com>:
>>> >>>>>> Hi,
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> how can I tell freeswitch to update the SRV records or is there a
>>> way
>>> >>>>> to force the update without restarting. My provider keeps changing
>>> the
>>> >>>>> entries after a few days and if I don't restart freeswitch I can
>>> not call
>>> >>>>> out anymore (403)
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Best regards
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> _________________________________________________________________________
>>> >>>>>>
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>>> >>>
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>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> _________________________________________________________________________
>>> >
>>> > The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire
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>>> >
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> _________________________________________________________________________
> The FreeSWITCH project is sponsored by SignalWire https://signalwire.com
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