[Freeswitch-users] collecting dtmf after bridge

Francesco Facco de Lagarda francesco at delagarda.com
Mon Jul 9 08:04:19 UTC 2018

Please help..


I am trying to implement this scenario with js.


*	Extension dials operator
*	Operator answers
*	According to extension's requests, operator dials a digit
*	Request is executed.


My problem is that once the two sessions have been bridged, I cannot collect
any dtmf!

This is what I am doing:

Where AM I going wrong???


var opExt = "1000";



var dtmf = new Object( );

dtmf.digits = "";


if (session.ready()) {

     var dtmf = {

    digits : ''


     var uuid   =    session.getVariable("uuid");

     console_log(1, "Session UUID: " + uuid);


     console_log(1,"answering session ..");


     var uuid   =    session.getVariable("uuid");

     console_log(1,"calling operator ..");

     var opSession = new Session("{UUIDLegA=" + uuid + "}user/" + opExt);


     if (opSession.ready()) {

          console_log(1,"Op session ready! ... bridging ..");

          bridge(session, opSession);          

          console_log(1,"waiting for digit ...");

          while (opSession.ready()) {

                opSession.collectInput( getDigit, dtmf, 0, 0);

                switch(dtmf.digits) {

                     case "0" : //

                     // etc






console_log(1,"Hanging up sessions");



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