[Freeswitch-users] Attended transfer on Softphones not updating number

Shaun Stokes shaun.stokes at itec-support.co.uk
Thu Oct 12 10:29:33 UTC 2017


We're experiencing problems with the CLI not updating when performing attended transfer to softphones (Jitsi, Bria, Zoiper).

This problem does not occur when performing attended transfer to a physical phone (Polycom, Cisco, Yealink), it also does not occur on other VoIP platforms.

The SIP messaging is different when performing an attended transfer to different devices, for softphones such as Jitsi, Bria and Zoiper there is no update message sent once the transfer completes whereas for physical phones there is.

We have narrowed this down to: /src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c

There are a set of if\elseif statements between line 1943 and 2025 which provide different update messages depending on the receiving device.

Can someone please confirm if this is a known problem? Do we need to add support for the softphones? If so, I will raise a JIRA and do further testing, perhaps we can come up with a patch.


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