[Freeswitch-users] Prevent Call Transfer from a specific ip network(s)

Lợi Đặng loi.dangthanh at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 11:26:46 MSK 2017

Hi guys, I have 2 network-ip list A, and B that has processed similarly in
Call Scenario is pretty simple: A/B -> FS -> C.

For some reasons not listed, I'm using `proxy-refer=true` to proxy REFER
msg to C. Using this setting make `force_transfer_context` useless.

But I want to apply REFER from A only, REFER from B needed to be rejected
with 403/405 or something. All REFERs are within dialog (RFC3515)

I know I can place a SIP proxy before FS to achieve this. But I don't want
to add a SIP component at the moment. So, can you guide me how to do this
with FreeSwitch?

Loi Dang Thanh
Phone : +84. 1224.735.448
Email : loi.dangthanh at gmail.com
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