[Freeswitch-users] Run a LUA script when voicemail received

Steven Schoch schoch+freeswitch.org at xwin32.com
Sat May 21 04:59:31 MSD 2016

This sounds like a FAQ, but my searches found nothing.
I'd like to run a LUA script when a message is left on voicemail.

My alternative is to write my own mailer-app script that would scan the
message to see if it's from mod_voicemail, do what I want to do, or call
exim otherwise, but this seems like something that could be done from the

Is there a way in the dialplan to run an action with parameters from the
voicemail message left?

The reason I'm asking this is that I want to use the new Flowroute SMS API
to send a text message when a voicemail is received, with the caller-ID
info from the message.

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