[Freeswitch-users] module question
Ítalo Rossi
italo at freeswitch.org
Tue Mar 1 21:04:59 MSK 2016
You have, by any chance, installed FS with packages and then switched to
compiling from source?
My guess is that you copied the first release of you module to the dir where
the FS from packages looks for and by restarting freeswitch you are in fact
starting the compiled from source one..
Ítalo Rossi
italo at freeswitch.org
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> On Mar 1 2016, at 12:44 pm, Chris Mandra <mandra at gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks for the reply Nathan - this is really weird:
> after i remove the .so files (and make sure they're gone from my disk) it
still reports it successfully reloads
> __
> [_[___](https://soniccloud.slack.com/archives/D02UEC39S/p1456846404000049)
> [10:33](https://soniccloud.slack.com/archives/D02UEC39S/p1456846404000049)
> [_]___](https://soniccloud.slack.com/archives/D02UEC39S/p1456846404000049)
> freeswitch at internal> reload mod_sc_dsp
> +OK Reloading XML
> +OK module unloaded
> +OK module loaded
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [NOTICE] switch_loadable_module.c:978 Deleting
Application 'test_dsp_run'
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [DEBUG] switch_loadable_module.c:980 Write lock
interface 'test_dsp_run' to wait for existing references.
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [NOTICE] switch_loadable_module.c:1033 Deleting
API Function 'uuid_test_dsp'
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [DEBUG] switch_loadable_module.c:1035 Write lock
interface 'uuid_test_dsp' to wait for existing references.
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [CONSOLE] switch_loadable_module.c:1876 Stopping:
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [CONSOLE] switch_loadable_module.c:1896
mod_test_dsp unloaded.
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [INFO] mod_enum.c:876 ENUM Reloaded
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [CONSOLE] switch_loadable_module.c:1409
Successfully Loaded [mod_test_dsp]
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [NOTICE] switch_loadable_module.c:267 Adding
Application 'test_dsp_run'
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [NOTICE] switch_loadable_module.c:313 Adding API
Function 'uuid_test_dsp'
> 2016-03-01 15:33:05.511747 [INFO] switch_time.c:1191 Timezone reloaded 530
> freeswitch at internal> freeswitch at internal>
> [_[___](https://soniccloud.slack.com/archives/D02UEC39S/p1456846407000050)
> [10:33](https://soniccloud.slack.com/archives/D02UEC39S/p1456846407000050)
> [_]___](https://soniccloud.slack.com/archives/D02UEC39S/p1456846407000050)
> how is that possible -what does it mean if when i delete the shared objects
it still reports loading?
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Nathan Neulinger
<[nneul at mst.edu](mailto:nneul at mst.edu)> wrote:
>> Are you sure the 'make install' is replacing the path you think it is?
I'd suggest as a test explicitly removing the .so and make sure that a
reload/load fails. Then try the make install.
\-- Nathan
On 03/01/2016 08:22 AM, Chris Mandra wrote:
> More grist for the mill:
> I'm able to unload the module, and freeswitch reports the module
unloaded, but if I make changes to the module and make
> and make install and then load the module again it doesn't reflect the
changes made, and resorts too old behavior. The
> only way to see the new behavior is to restart fs. it's like it's
caching the module but it's not bc if you unload it
> and then exercise the API command free switch reports the command is not
> Is there something I need to configure to make this work maybe also the
modules written in C++ if that matters. Thanks,
> it's really annoying to have to restart fs each time I want to see a
> Chris
> On Monday, February 29, 2016, Chris Mandra
<[mandra at gmail.com](mailto:mandra at gmail.com)
<mailto:[mandra at gmail.com](mailto:mandra at gmail.com)>> wrote:
> Hey guys - I've been working on a ladspa module and I thought that
after I make a change to it and recompile I can
> just run reload and hear my changes, but it's not working, so I tried
unload and reload and that's not allowing me
> to hear my changes either. Restarting freeSWITCH does allow me to
hear my changes. Any ideas why this would be
> happening. I'm running 1.6
> I know about the how the modules shutdown function is supposed to
> (<https://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Authoring_Freeswitch_Modules#Reloa
ding_Your_Module>"N.B. your module's Shutdown
> function must accomplish a complete reversion of any setup that
happens in it's Load function for a reload to work
> properly.") and this used to work without issue, so I'm wondering
what might be going on here.
> Any suggestions appreciated,
> thanks, chris
> \--
> mandra
> c:410.258.5281
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Nathan Neulinger [nneul at mst.edu](mailto:nneul at mst.edu)
Missouri S&T Information Technology (573) 612-1412
System Administrator - Architect
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> \--
> mandra
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