[Freeswitch-users] need help using http_cache + s3

Dave Horton daveh at beachdognet.com
Thu Jun 16 22:13:02 MSD 2016

I’m having trouble using http_cache to download and play a wave file from my amazon S3 bucket.
I’m following the basic config at https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/mod_http_cache but I must be missing something.

My http_cache.conf.xml looks like this:

<configuration name="http_cache.conf" description="HTTP GET cache">
    <!-- set to true if you want to enable http:// and https:// formats.  Do not use if mod_httapi is also loaded -->
    <param name="enable-file-formats" value="true"/>
    <param name="max-urls" value="10000"/>
    <param name="location" value="$${cache_dir}"/>
    <param name="default-max-age" value="86400"/>
    <param name="prefetch-thread-count" value="8"/>
    <param name="prefetch-queue-size" value="100"/>
    <!-- absolute path to CA bundle file -->
    <param name="ssl-cacert" value="$${certs_dir}/cacert.pem"/>
    <!-- verify certificates -->
    <param name="ssl-verifypeer" value="true"/>
    <!-- verify host name matches certificate -->
    <param name="ssl-verifyhost" value="true"/>
    <!-- default is 300 seconds, override here -->
    <!--param name="connect-timeout" value="300"/-->
    <!-- default is 300 seconds, override here -->
    <!--param name="download-timeout" value="300"/-->

    <!-- amazon s3 security credentials -->
    <profile name="s3">
        <!-- 20 character key identifier -->
        <!-- 40 character secret -->
      <!-- optional list of domains that this profile will automatically be applied to -->
      <!-- if you wish to apply the s3 credentials to a domain not listed here, then use
           {profile=s3}http://foo.s3... -->
        <domain name=“my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com"/>

My dialplan looks like this:

   <extension name="announcement">
      <condition field="${sip_req_user}" expression="^annc$"/>
      <condition field="${sip_req_params}" expression="^play=(.*)$">
        <action application="log" data=“file to play: $1"/>
        <action application="answer"/>
        <action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
        <action application="playback" data="{profile=s3}http_cache://https://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com:/$1"/>
        <action application="hangup"/>

The log file says this:

   EXECUTE sofia/drachtio_mrf/5083084809 at playback({profile=s3}http_cache://http://wcs-icr.s3.amazonaws.com:/RBT-5762afa9991351886b295fbc/prompt/1466086249630-call-blocked.wav)
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.173718 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:569 Locked cache
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.173718 [INFO] mod_http_cache.c:661 Cache MISS: size = 0 (0 MB), hit ratio = 0/1
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.173718 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:726 Adding http://wcs-icr.s3.amazonaws.com:/RBT-5762afa9991351886b295fbc/prompt/1466086249630-call-blocked.wav(/usr/local/freeswitch/cache/b6/456219-e1eb-43c2-bbd9-449cfb3af6ac.wav) to cache index 0
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.173718 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:580 Unlocked cache
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.173718 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:1077 opening /usr/local/freeswitch/cache/b6/456219-e1eb-43c2-bbd9-449cfb3af6ac.wav for URL cache
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 x-amz-request-id: F27F3491740AC96E
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 x-amz-id-2: 1LII609UCqdosrj+3tha2MrWfkoDjIgJ/wK2V47LDkgpn6/i8V4GFRxVzzoXRj9Rzbq6BMP15Po=
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 Content-Type: application/xml
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 Transfer-Encoding: chunked
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 18:02:58 GMT
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 Server: AmazonS3
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:548 
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [ERR] mod_http_cache.c:1131 Received HTTP error 403 trying to fetch http://wcs-icr.s3.amazonaws.com:/RBT-5762afa9991351886b295fbc/prompt/1466086249630-call-blocked.wav
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:569 Locked cache
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [INFO] mod_http_cache.c:683 Failed to download URL http://wcs-icr.s3.amazonaws.com:/RBT-5762afa9991351886b295fbc/prompt/1466086249630-call-blocked.wav
   2016-06-16 14:02:59.233717 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:580 Unlocked cache
   EXECUTE sofia/drachtio_mrf/5083084809 at hangup()


I’ve fiddled with a bunch of different things, but no luck.  I took a tshark of the outgoing http get and I can see it is not putting in the headers to authenticate, so it seems it is not getting into 
the S3 code in http_cache.  The docs do not include a complete S3 working example, unfortunately.

Any help or pointers from those who have gotten this working would be appreciated…


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